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The best Pack L2Java for IT ?

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@McMaGo you got it wrong, and doesn't depend of the pack being closed source or open source, crappy servers with noob admins will be anywhere, anytime.


Beside if L2J was closed source from the beginning, there wouldn't be any projects such as L2JFrozen or aCis or any other you can name.


I can say that L2JFrozen is testing stuff, and Shyla reviewing the code, maybe it wasn't like that before, I really don't care.


I can also tell you that there are a lot more L2J users than L2JFrozen users and admins with no experience nor knowledge come to the forums, and we don't think that they are crying, we act professional and we provide a fix, a solution, an answer, something that would help them, sometimes we have lack of time to provide custom implementations.


I didn't attack aCis users or fans or whatever, I just happen to notice lots of user here that stand for aCis, always talk about L2JFrozen like they do only shit, and maybe it was true, don't know and don't care, but it isn't like that at the moment, so why doesn't this guys give a break at L2JFrozen and let them do something nice? And if it doesn't last what do you care?

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As i said, i'm registered in l2jfrozen ad McMaGo, and i have reply some answers and try to solve some problems, i follow fozen proyect from near, because about 2 months ago i was loocking for a project to create a my server, (i was off of l2 from 1 year), and i want get some info about current projects.. so if i stand for aCis is cause i think is better, and i'm sure because i could choose frozen for my server, is more easy to set up, have more mods, etc... so why i stand for aCis?


i don't hate frozen, but i don't want more noobs admins and more scam servers, and this only happens with frozen, because in aCis a noob admin can't get the source in aCis noobs admins have a chance to learn how to be a pro admin or at least a "good" admin, and if frozen want to improve should change a little their system... to do a pack easy to set up is not a good idea, i think is better let people learn by himself.

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i find a lot of post of admins that don't know how to install JDK, how to compile, how to configure .properties, how to install the database, how to install a buffer, how to modifi the power of a skill.

well take a look at mxc forum and u will see the same questions.

I dont know what problem do you have with frozen, its not like they are making money from their pack or smth

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Dudes stop with "frozen got more exploit fixes", it's perfectly wrong. I check frozen timeline since the beginning of the project and nothing has been added to aCis from their 900+ revisions (now, guess why).


A funny fact too : ppl posts a lot of bugs reports about "how it should work compared to L2OFF" on Frozen forum, 3/4 of reports are already fixed since MONTHS on aCis (people seem to discover how it should work).


If Zoey decides to give his time to Frozen (and I still don't understand why he does, anyway his problem), don't hope it equals aCis before a couple of months ; he got Shyla, Scoria, and L2J errors to fix.


About refactoring, Dementu, I dunno for you, but I check what I commit. So far I never reverted any of my stuff. When I add, it's often good to be used, or at least it will be followed by a 'part II' and I say it on the timeline.



Finally to answer the main question of the topic :


- L2J is outdated whatever Zoey added (and I checked the timeline). You can use it as main point for a server pack, but if you haven't the intention to make your own pack, just forget it. The list of missing refactors is way too long.

- 2 main packs are actually developped, L2JFrozen and aCis :

  • aCis (based on L2J IL) try to be a stable and light server, with the minimum customs possible. I use postIL chronicles (Freya++ systems with IL gameplay) in order to refactor it.
  • L2JFrozen (based on Scoria) is intented to get ready customs ; it follows the tradition of any IL pack so far (L2JBrasil, Sigmo, Archid and so on, since 2007 you should begin to know how it works)


You can read previous threads about "the best IL packs" (as Zoey linked it in first page), I already explained that at least twice on that forum (and even explaining, there are still noobs - because it can't be named with other name - thinking aCis is private and it's made only for low rates, whatever I write people cant understand).



For a most pacific version of that answer, see with McMaGo's answer, which I fully agree :





Btw the next thread about "which is the best" will be answered then locked with a link to previous existing threads. That will avoid to repeat over and over, until things don't move, I don't need to repeat (and fans of both sides don't need to flame each others aswell).

All time you write 2000 lines in your answer when you shold go to the point ...i did not flame Acis and i`ll never do i respect ppl that wanna do somthing but some Acis fan idiots act like 8 years old kidds with small iq ...

Dudes stop with "frozen got more exploit fixes", it's perfectly wrong. I check frozen timeline since the beginning of the project and nothing has been added to aCis from their 900+ revisions (now, guess why).

So you now cring becouse frozen had some of you cod inplement from your source now and you cry? no offense

If you ware a Open Source l2j frozen should not read your fixes? if i saw a thing that is good on your project i cannot  add it in my pack becouse you are cryng? omg dud grow up  ...and as i remember they write your credits for the cods that they add ...

Also i don`t understand way now the acis made that sh1t with Contribution to play ....as i sayd i don`t hate acis and Tryk you have my respect for your work but don't make your self a god becouse of that ...remember you don`t have a job yet and shyla has one thats the diffrence between this 2 project ...btw this

sh1t with hos the best is going to far .. i can say Ty  Acis and Ty l2j Frozen for your work


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Dementu, you got a big mouth... When YOU (remember about your share ? Me I do) share the whole aCis admin panel giving your credits, believe me, that's not funny at all. I had to whine on the topic in order you add right credits (whatever your own work is, you could say it was based on).


Vhalior (Sigmo owner) was preparing a whole new L2 pack based on aCis. Selling my code when you can have it for free ? That works for idiots, but hell they are so many idiots to save...


So far the new system I use is a SUCCESS. I forced ppl to open their eyes about the reality. The reality is I was alone committing for one year, and anyone could spoil my stuff without giving a thanks or even a test.


The fact I now have following stuffs to implement isn't an hazard :

  • boneCP implementation
  • Announcement system XML rework
  • some quests from ppl I never seen before
  • party duel rework


The list will be longer with time. A community has to act like a community, not like a bunch of ghosts who leech.


"Being a god"... I'm already trololol.



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Agin 2000 words writen to excuse your self ... nvm .. you should know what will happen when you start a Open source project .....and now agin your write 2000 words to tell me that you never thing'd about that ...

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I know that aCis achieved/achieving many things and frozen achieve to gather all the newbies devs which have 2 weeks server.


Why that happen,you tell me since you seem to know everything around and i/we are noob haters,fan's of acis.

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Lock this topic i will blow up my head....


Dementu the man who changed 2 html files and put his credits in anotherone work! lawl! your words is nothing for us.


If we do 2000 words replys is cause you need 2000 words to understand that frozen and sigmo team can get aCis source but never will get a good comunity, people need to understand that the comunity is the most important part of a project, we are who test, we are the admins who use the pack and we are who decide from and to where the project goes, the noobs who steal our job and paste it with their credits only can follow us and go 1 step behind us, following our work as retards that only now how to apply patchs and paste other people work, when they get a bug, they wait for our fixes, and register in our forum with another alias asking for help.


Who cryes?

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I know that aCis achieved/achieving many things and frozen achieve to gather all the newbies devs which have 2 weeks server.


Why that happen,you tell me since you seem to know everything around and i/we are noob haters,fan's of acis.

Another fan .. of mine ... man i did not say acis is bad or what ever i just don`t understand way ppl hate some project that is quite good (i mean frozen) and start flame it .. becouse as you can see 90% of servers use l2j frozen ...way they don`t use acis ? ok acis  has no custom in it ...ok ... but way they don`t use acis for a low mid rate server if Acis is so grate project ?  way all of you flame frozen becouse they try to give somthing to ppl for free? Fighter i know you help Tryk with the project ... i just say the true and the true hurts a lot of acis fans? whay if all of you Greate developers don`t do a Open source Clean coding to give ppl the prefect pack and they stop using  L2j frozen ? I repeat my self i`m not So Good developer like the rest wanna be devs on this forum but i cannot stand the atitude of some acis fans saing that frozen sux ...ok it sux but way  the  Grate dev  on this forum don`t help the team ?

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Lock this topic i will blow up my head....


Dementu the man who changed 2 html files and put his credits in anotherone work! lawl! your words is nothing for us.


If we do 2000 words replys is cause you need 2000 words to understand that frozen and sigmo team can get aCis source but never will get a good comunity, people need to understand that the comunity is the most important part of a project, we are who test, we are the admins who use the pack and we are who decide from and to where the project goes, the noobs who steal our job and paste it with their credits only can follow us and go 1 step behind us, following our work as retards that only now how to apply patchs and paste other people work, when they get a bug, they wait for our fixes, and register in our forum with another alias asking for help.


Who cryes?

ok  if i did that what's your problem i got money from it? no  i share it ... so mofo go and -beep-  your self ..

ok ? bb and go make a blow job to l2j frozen + sigmo staf ...

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ok  if i did that what's your problem i got money from it? no  i share it ... so mofo go and -beep-  your self ..

ok ? bb and go make a blow job to l2j frozen + sigmo staf ...


Truth hurts ;), They are not giving great pack for free they are giving stealed code and bad pack for free to noobs admins, the 90% of IL server uses frozen and the 90% of IL server close in 2 weeks. can you find the problem there? If aCis don't give their work for free is cause people don't works to see their work with another credits, and cause aCis is trying to change people mind, aCis wants people to learn by themselves not to give the "perfect pack" for free and for any noob. The "perfect pack" doesn't exists, the perfect pack is just a good system, a good dev, a good team and a finally a good admin who knows how to use it in his own server, "The perfect pack" is not a easy-set up server with 21423156234643 custom mods taken by anothers packs and changing 2 lines (90% givin errors or not working) in order to put own credits.


Did you like my 2000 words reason to don't stand for who wants to ruin IL private servers?

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Truth hurts ;), They are not giving great pack for free they are giving stealed code and bad pack for free to noobs admins, the 90% of IL server uses frozen and the 90% of IL server close in 2 weeks. can you find the problem there? If aCis don't give their work for free is cause people don't works to see their work with another credits, and cause aCis is trying to change people mind, aCis wants people to learn by themselves not to give the "perfect pack" for free and for any noob. The "perfect pack" doesn't exists, the perfect pack is just a good system, a good dev, a good team and a finally a good admin who knows how to use it in his own server, "The perfect pack" is not a easy-set up server with 21423156234643 custom mods taken by anothers packs and changing 2 lines (90% givin errors or not working) in order to put own credits.


Did you like my 2000 words reason to don't stand for who wants to ruin IL private servers?

At once you become a Genius Omfg ...i just wanna se how many servers will last more then 1 week  based on acis ....how many of them are 0?Any way you write much and  ppl are bored to read  ..also the servers that used l2j frozen mybe are closed after 1 week becouse are opend by 10 years old kidds wanna be Admins ...did you think about it ?no so STFU Beach go play on acis server and give ppl's oportunity to chose they own pack don`t flame others work ...you can simple say: i recomand you Acis pack /i recommand l2jfrozen pack not flaming others work you need to apreciate others work  but wtf i`m tallking with  10 years old kidd...  Ok i Stop Replay to this nonsence topic ... Have a nice day and one more thing

If you are looking for a pack try to find the pack that is right for you not becouse ppl saying is good

And if you have some java skills start to create your own pack

Thats all i wish you good luck to all and remember chose  what's right for your needs

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Truth hurts ;), They are not giving great pack for free they are giving stealed code and bad pack for free to noobs admins, the 90% of IL server uses frozen and the 90% of IL server close in 2 weeks. can you find the problem there? If aCis don't give their work for free is cause people don't works to see their work with another credits, and cause aCis is trying to change people mind, aCis wants people to learn by themselves not to give the "perfect pack" for free and for any noob. The "perfect pack" doesn't exists, the perfect pack is just a good system, a good dev, a good team and a finally a good admin who knows how to use it in his own server, "The perfect pack" is not a easy-set up server with 21423156234643 custom mods taken by anothers packs and changing 2 lines (90% givin errors or not working) in order to put own credits.


Did you like my 2000 words reason to don't stand for who wants to ruin IL private servers?


i thing that depends from admins ?

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also the servers that used l2j frozen mybe are closed after 1 week becouse are opend by 10 years old kidds wanna be Admins...




go play on acis server and give ppl's oportunity to chose they own pack




If you are looking for a pack try to find the pack that is right for you not becouse ppl saying is good

And if you have some java skills start to create your own pack

Thats all i wish you good luck to all and remember chose  what's right for your needs


That is true, but this is the reality... if you bring the access to the SVN and Timeline to the kids who don't know anything of how to do a medium-professional server, they will do a big disaster and the server will close in a few days or weeks... so, if you bring the access to ppl who know a little-medium or pro knowledge, they will do a good job, making servers that will become popular, without the f... thought of "I want to make a server just for get a money!". This is the true, and since i know... this only happens with Open Source project like L2JFrozen :).


aCis doesn't give the opportunity to the people for make their own pack, if the people only helps to get the access to the timeline/SVN and don't help anymore, their status like Pack User or Inner Circle will be removed and i don't think that Tryskell will give the stat again.. :).


I think that the true is this...


If you are looking for a High Rate Server PvP or anything, with custom Items from non-IL, with no hope for the future and only for the purpose of making money and others sh1ts, choose L2JFrozen Project.


If you are looking for a Low/Medium/High rate server and if you have some knowledge in java/xml/html/sql/and others that are necessary to make it, without custom items, to make a good job,  giving a chance for the Old School Players IL who knows what the Interlude Chronicle means, and grow as a big community every day, choose aCis Project.

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Invalid arguments....zzz


L2jFrozen have some good custom mods but as pack,doesn't worth really compared to aCis. that's all about it.


aCis system? It's actually awesome and you should be happy that tryskell didn't make his work private with money.

It's like " you wanna create a server, 1 more interlude server? show us that you have some skills and you are free to do anything you want on it". Result? muchhh less crappy interlude servers! and more experienced developers even if they weren't in the past.



You say if you don't have knowledge choose frozen and i'm asking you this.

If you don't have knowledge,WHY THE HELL TO OPEN A SERVER?

i got tired of 20 servers every week with same features,no concepts,1 week servers.






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