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[L2DC] RaidFight


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Why dont u make a 20-30x with midrate features, npc buffers etc so we don't have to search for servers all the time?

Wipe it every 6 months to 1 year and i bet that if you can stand DDoS from haters you will have a constant 2-3k on from day one till wipe and over and over again.


Just sayin' :D


These forums are full of that kind of servers. No need to do the same.

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How many online ppl?(without offline shops!)

and something else...have anyone any chances to start there?because as i can see everybody are 80+.



It is easier to start than anywhere else since all clans look for newcomers and offer a lot of help that you can't find on "fresh" servers (gear, leveling, buffs, etc).

Offline shops are around 300-400 when peaks are between 1000-1300 online which is a nice number. More players of course will increase the market. When RaidFight had 4000 online it had about 1000 offline shops (similar to retail).

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Make for newbs 10x rate exp and ppl will join for sure... Now 4x to low;/


This is what people asked many times. And many times (maybe 10+) I have opened servers for clients of mine in these rates and every single of them didn't manage to get enough players online. Now, I do not think that what you say can beat what I experienced so far.

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Nekys i suggest to make dinamic rates, like till 76 lvl to do 10x, after 76 normal like 4x....best way to get new ppl!

the only hard thing is to reach 70 after that clans do plvl all newbies the hard part starts when you reach 85 :P




UpUpUpUp for RaidFight

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