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Hi Everybody,,


Karma was this week a free champ and well TheOddOne said you just had to try new champs from time to time.

So I followed his advice and i checked out Karma this week :)




Base stats


Damage           50 (+3.3 / per level)

Health             410 (+86 / per level)

Mana               240 (+60 / per level)

Move Speed     310

Armor             15 (+3.5 / per level)

Spell Block     30 (+0 / per level)

Health Regen   0.94 (+0.11 / per level)

Mana Regen   1.36 (+0.13 / per level)







43-5.pngInner Flame - Karma gains increased Ability Power corresponding to her % of missing Health. (+30/50/70/90/110/130 AP)


43-1.pngHeavenly Wave - Karma sends forth hidden blades from her fans, dealing magic damage to units in a cone in front of her. (deals 70/110/150/190/230/270 [+60% Abillity power] damage)


Mantra Bonus: In addition to dealing damage to enemies, Heavenly Wave will also heal allies in the cone based on a % of their missing life. (Heals for 35/55/75/95/115/135 [+5% of their missing health][+1% each 50 abillity power karma has])


43-2.pngSpirit Bond - Karma creates a beam between an ally or enemy. Allied anchors move faster and enemy anchors are slowed. The beam deals magic damage to enemies and applies the same movement speed adjustment anchors receive to any champion it passes through. (Teammates run 10/12/14/16/18/20% faster; For enemies it deals 80/125/170/215/260/305 [+70% Abillity power] and slows down the enemy)


Mantra Bonus: Karma strengthens the bond to double the effect of the movement speed modifier.


43-3.pngSoul Shield - Karma summons a protective shield that absorbs incoming damage.

( Absorps 80/120/160/200/240/280 [+80% ability power] damage for 5 seconds)


Mantra Bonus: In addition to casting the shield, energy radiates out from the shield, dealing damage to enemy units around Karma's target. ( Deals 80/120/160/200/240/280 [+80% ability power] damage to surrounding enemies


43-4.pngMantra - Karma empowers her next ability to do an additional effect. Mantra is available at level 1 and does not require a skill point.

( Cooldown reduced at lv7 and lv13 cooldowns are 30s, 25s and 20s )



Karma can be played at always every position in the match. This is an advantage and a bad side of her... it means she has kinda a bit of everything mixed into 1 champion, while most players prefer to play specific chars made for just 1 spot at the field.


Karma is really depending on her build and teammate's, if your teammate's suck and you play support you wont even be able to save them.


I will discuss a few diffrent builds with karma which i've tested and went best in my point of view. Ofcourse you need to build ur champion a bit to what you need in the game but it might help :)



Karma - Support




Karma has no ult, so in exchange each of her abillities has 6 levels instead of 5.










* Greater mark of Resillence (+0.91 armor)

* Greater Glyph of Shielding (+0.15 magic resist/level +2.7 at lv18)

* Greater Seal of Replenishment (+0.41 mana ragen/5 sec)

* Greater Quintessence of Frosty fortitude (+26 health)

[Limited availeble, otherwise pick Greater Quintessence of Fortitude]


How to play:


Support goes always bottom lane with his AD carry near him. Since you try to not ks his cs but mainly trying to keep him alive we need a rather cheap build. Your main goal is to keep your AD as long as possible in the lane without losing your tower and having as much as possible CS as possible.





As build I start off with 1004.png2003.png 2x 2004.png 2x 2044.png

These items will help you to mainly stay alive and keep your lanepartner alive till lv 6-8. Around this level simply push up your lane a bit by using Mantra 43-4.png + Shield 43-3.png on your carry to clear some minions (if he cant do it alone ofcourse).


Go to base and get 3096.png and 1001.png

If you got enough money for 3158.png buy them with some extra wards. If you might have some sleaths in the enemy team and you are considering of pushing your lane in the near future buy a 2043.png


At your next run to the base get 3132.png and build it into a 3143.png

You can build out your 3096.png to 3069.png.



This is kinda the base of your build.. you got your hp/mp reg to keep supporting ur team and speed and cooldown reduction to run faster (kinda obvious) and to get ur mantra's faster.


Your build now will depend a bit on your enemy team;


1. Enemies got a really heavy AD carry


start building Frozen Heart 3110.png (ofcourse if none else in the team does it... communicate a bit  :) ) This item is also usefull since it gives cooldown reduction for your mantra's.

If they are still really heavy in AD build a Thorn mail 3075.png


2. enemies got a really heavy AP carry


Build 3102.png and if still needed take a  3140.png which is also effective for his skill.


3. enemies got kinda both (most common)


Build 3105.png, will also protect your team a bit. After this check if you might need more armor or magic resist.



Karma - AP Mid / Solo Top / Late-game support


This is one of the harder positions for Karma, but she's able to do it. Why is it harder.. well as support your main goal is to keep your lanepartner alive and urself, you mainly only need your shield for that and if needed sometimes a heal. But as support you can stay back a little so u wont get hit that fast.


While playing on AP mid or solo top you have to run into the fight + keeping yourself alive. First we'll check how we choose our skills/masteries and runes, after that we'll see some ways to keep your lane.















* Greater mark of insight (+0.95 magic penetration)

* Greater seal of force (+0.1 ability power/level; +1.8 ability power at lv18)

* Greater glyph of force (+0.17 ability power/level; +3.06 ability power at lv18)

* Greater Quintessence of Potency (+4.95 ability power)



How to play


Your main goal is basicly to keep your turret alive and manage to get some kills.

I can already tell you that you wont get a super massive a-beep-t of kills by only soloing, you need your jungler to gank.


Just let the enemy on your lane push it, ofcourse he will get a lot CS out of this but we dont care for a little atm. You are pretty squishy at the start and you dont wanna face a fed champ...

Let him push your lane till just over half way, then use your Ulti (mantra 43-4.png) run into the minions and cast your shield 43-3.png on yourself. A normal "good" enemy will start hitting you but well you got your shield to get most of the dmg. To finish off the minions and to make your enemy back-off use your Q43-1.png [in case you need it use a 2nd mantra 43-4.png to heal yourself up with Q43-1.png]


Just keep using this combo and keep farming > R - E + Q


If your jungler comes for a gank better give him the kill instead of you... your damage output it probably lower then your jungler so its better to have a kill + assist then maybe nothing.

When your jungler comes for a gank use a mantra 43-4.png and use your W 43-2.png on your enemy. This will slow him down a lot. While your jungler jumps in and you see your enemy starts focusing him cast a shield on him or if needed a shield on yourself. You can also use your jungler to cast a shield 43-3.png on him + mantra 43-4.png bonus and KS the kill like this. (dont forget to thank him for the gank,, he will gank again then for sure xD)


A small little hint which worked for me a few times > You can cast your mantra 43-4.png + shield 43-3.png on minions too... for example sometimes you got dummies who dont have hp pots and play midlane. when they get low hp and they need a lil more money they stick around for some CS.. ofcourse they play super defensive but they never think about this ^^

So simply cast mantra 43-4.png + shield 43-3.png on your minion near your enemy and you get a free kill :) [i'm sure he will recall sooner the next time]





To start off your build we take a 1005.png and 2 pots (Just see what u need a bit.. i mainly take 2x 2003.png)


Try to be carefull a bit with your mana, on your support build you had runes which gave extra mana reg which you havn't now. You prolly wont make it untill level 6 with your mana (unless you also buy mana pots). so try to push your lane in time and if needed ask your jungler to keep ur lane for some seconds.


When you go buy get 3070.png and 1001.png


At your next visit at your base you kinda have to see what you need. I mostly like to have 3158.png on karma for the nice CDR but you can also pick 3020.png if you dont need your mantra's that much.


Build out your 3070.png to 3003.png


If you have some other AP's in your team consider buying a 3152.png, else take 3041.png or 3089.png


After this consider building some defences to stay in the fight longer --> Why defences on karma? well you basicly wanna stay alive on lower health bcs of ur passive 43-5.png. The lower your health the higher your AP goes, this means if you got good resists you can keep ganking on lower health.


Some other good items for AP karma:







Karma - AP Jungle


Karma jungle? Yaa.. Karma jungle... may not be your most common choice but it is possible  :). she might not be one of the fastest or best junglers but well 2 supports at the end of the game simply rocks.

Karma jungle is mainly a troll-pick, but when played well she can assist at some nasty ganks. Note what i said "Assist".

Indeed, she will help you picking up the kill and get herself an assist.


Whats now the advantage of having karma in jungle .. well this:

- Karma wont need the first red, this means your AD bot can have it on 2-3 mins already,, If you got a bit good AD on bot lane you should gank bot always first. Since your AD has to get red the enemies will push your lane while your support saves ur turret a bit.

When the lane is pushed you go in trough the river use a mantra + W and slow one of them. Ur AD (With red buff) can easily pickup the kill with a double slow.

You will have 2 supports + an AD with double slow on botlane .. comeon can't be much easier then that?


Downside of having karma in the jungle:

If they might counter jungle you, you are basicly useless... You have no skills to stop the enemies jungler from stealing your creeps.



Jungle route:




Start at wolves,, ask for a good pull but ofc not to ks... then go to blue.

After blue go to wraiths then go to golems and ping for your AD to rush to the Red lizard.

Let him pull it you give him a mantra + shield and he should be fine ^^


After that go to bottom with him and gank bottom. after that shop and do it all over again :)















* Greater mark of Resillence (+0.91 armor)

* Greater Glyph of Shielding (+0.15 magic resist/level +2.7 at lv18)

* Greater Seal of Replenishment (+0.41 mana ragen/5 sec)

* Greater Quintessence of sugar Rush (+1.5% Speed)

[Limited availeble, otherwise pick Greater Quintessence of Swiftness]





First get 1029.png and 5x 2003.png


Depending on if you had a succesfull gank(s) try building 3070.png and 3158.png


As next you should get a 3132.png  and build out your Tear 3070.png to 3003.png


Your main goal is still to assist your friends to grab some extra kills so best you can do as karma jungle is to build a bit tank and slow enemies down;

Few items you might wanna get:







So guys,, guide finally finished xD

I barely ever see karma in teams.. kinda dunno why cause i luv her :p

She's a good lifesaver if you know how to use your mantra's


All credits go to Michaeltje/Sparky™ (me)

Pictures are from http://euw.leagueoflegends.com



Open for comments xD


karma ap mid ftw


merry christmas


Thanks :)


Any comments on builds? Since i kinda focus on getting high CDR to control lanes with mantra bonus on shield and late-game heal support...


Merry christmas to you too :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I would like rod of ages instead of archangels staff and go with 21/0/9 masteries


When you're playing as ap carry this is what you need.


I would like rod of ages instead of archangels staff and go with 21/0/9 masteries


When you're playing as ap carry this is what you need.


I prefer having great cool down reduction even on AP karma


You basicly use karma + shield to clear waves,, then at the beginning a Q to finish it off.

So CDR aint rlly bad on ap either.


Could go 21 0 9 too ofc,, just didnt test it :p

besides, you got ur passive to back-up in AP when needed. 120ap on higher level is a damn lot xD



Its a pretty slow jungler,, ganks are kinda medicore... you basicly help ur team to pick up the kill by either slow the enemy or speeding up ur friend + shielding ur friend.


for the rest you can't do mucho :p but its possible xD


I tried her once as AP Carry , Wasnt bad i got easy 600 ap  with 2-3 items and low hp


Also Good Damage and early push :)


She's great early game

maybe bit less usefull lategame since she rlly needs her mantra's to heal and kinda have some dmg-output

You kinda need ur lanemate a bit much


I prefer having great cool down reduction even on AP karma


You basicly use karma + shield to clear waves,, then at the beginning a Q to finish it off.

So CDR aint rlly bad on ap either.


Could go 21 0 9 too ofc,, just didnt test it :p

besides, you got ur passive to back-up in AP when needed. 120ap on higher level is a damn lot xD



Its a pretty slow jungler,, ganks are kinda medicore... you basicly help ur team to pick up the kill by either slow the enemy or speeding up ur friend + shielding ur friend.


for the rest you can't do mucho :p but its possible xD

She doesn't have so long cd's to take cdr botts and going with utility masteries too. I think is to much  ;/

why jungle or support karma?

there are better junglers and supporters in this game


but AP, she is TOO STRONG

very strong early game+deny enemies

+2much damage late+trololol 2000hpshield late


I played her mainly as support, and did pretty good


Jungle is mainly a troll pick... just like going heimer jungle,, its possible but it aint logic ofcourse.

Just saying that its possible..

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