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Dear RIOT,

I don't know how to say this, but Rammus is OP.

I think I realised this when I used Tremors to speak armadillos.

Secondly, I think the last time I used Powerball I hit for over 5 damage.

I feel disappointed that you guys are generous enough to understand that I am a wall in this field.

I've played this game for over 9 months and remain a sudden customer.

Also, whats the deal with Phreak? Every time I see Phreak drink I think to myself this table needs to stop.

At the moment I think this company is delusional , high and hard.

Thank you for sitting.

Yours faithfully,

FM Aecetia

P.S. Whatever


Dear RIOT,

I don't know how to say this, but Tryndamere is OP.

I think I realised this when I used I suck moar to Verb 2 Plural Noun.

Secondly, I think the last time I used I am sucker I hit for over Number 2 damage.

I feel Emotion that you guys are Cry enough to understand that I am a Bad in this field.

I've played this game for over 1 months and remain a Adjective 4 customer.

Also, whats the deal with RIOT employee? Every time I see RIOT employee killed I think to myself this Damn needs to stop.

At the moment I think this company is Kicked , Adjective 3 and Adjective 5.

Thank you for Verb ending -ing.

Yours faithfully,





wrote everything without knowning the result :P !


Dear RIOT,

I don't know how to say this, but asdasd is OP.

I think I realised this when I used asda to asfdsgfd asdasd.

Secondly, I think the last time I used asd I hit for over hgfhjf damage.

I feel xd that you guys are asdasd enough to understand that I am a asdasd in this field.

I've played this game for over gsdgsd months and remain a asdasd customer.

Also, whats the deal with asgfdgs? Every time I see asgfdgs sdfdgfd I think to myself this asdas needs to stop.

At the moment I think this company is 23123 , 123asd and asdasd.

Thank you for fhgdfas.

Yours faithfully,


P.S. Fasdasdasda



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