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[WEB] Vote System

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I'm selling brand new web based Vote System. I'm not sure whether any of you are familiar with this sort of stuff as most of the "vote systems" shared here are in-game based. Basically on this web-based vote system player has to log in to his account, after that all of his characters will be displayed and then he'll have to choose one of them (Offline only). Then the player will be provided with instructions on how to vote for the server in different top sites. Finally after voting for in all of the tops sites the player will be redirected to the "Reward Page" where he'll be able to choose one of the predefined (by admin/gm) rewards which will be automatically added to characters inventory.


* No Java patches, completely based on web.

* Requires only 1 extra table in the database (for vote records).

* Adjustable vote period (24h default).

* Adjustable/unlimited reward items.

* The whole system is using Ajax, which means all of the buffering, validations, feedbacks and so forth are run dynamically without any sort of page redirection

* Libraries such as jQuery and jQuery.UI are used to style and make the system more user friendly.

* Four vote checks: IP adresas, Account Login, Character ID and Cookies.

* All of the settings needed are placed in the config.php file.

* Supports almost any tops site (including Hopzone, Topzone)

* Secure, 100% vote checks (no captcha bypass'es or any other invalid votes).

* Add as many tops sites as you like.


For live preview please contact me.


Pictures (sorry for bad quality): http://tinyurl.com/cfuos7c


Skype: d-engo (best time to contact is 17:00-22:00 GMT)

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Kama3a yes you're sort of right but who cares as long as you get the votes for the server since the system checks whether the votes on the top site have increased anyways to bypass you would have to do hell a lot of work so. And yes Hopzone doesnt allow such things but as long as you keep it quiet I dont think you'll get in trouble... Anyways there are other tops sites not just Hopzone.

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Kama3a yes you're sort right but who cares as long as you get the votes for the server since the system checks the votes. And yes Hopzone doesnt allow such things but as long as you keep it quiet I dont think you'll get in trouble... Anyways there are other tops sites not just Hopzone.

when you see ppl with xxxxxxx number of coins in inventar, you will start care :)

p.s. this bypass the window for voting, but  ppl cant skip the voting... also they get the "+1vote coin"

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Kama3a yes you're sort of right but who cares as long as you get the votes for the server since the system checks whether the votes on the top site have increased anyways to bypass you would have to do hell a lot of work so. And yes Hopzone doesnt allow such things but as long as you keep it quiet I dont think you'll get in trouble... Anyways there are other tops sites not just Hopzone.

you must be damn smartass and pro coder? lol who would code such a bad code so u can get that much coins

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I mean seriously? Why do all of you judge before you even get to see any of my code or the actual system?... Get over yourself I'm not here to prove anything I'm here to sell my system.

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