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[Share] C6 Buffer retail-look


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haha nice html work...this html must be really big ...a lot of buttons on 1 html ^^


anyway i prefer to add and set's ( make server more easy )

but thats really nice work !

thanks for share !



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I have a problem i configure init.py

configured 30002 npc for buffer (in init.py i changed npc form 99  to 30002 so no worries) everything added right (i'm 99% sure)

Gameserver console says that loading 99npc buffer where successful,

But in game it' show no signs of life at all, (not even errors in console to work with)

so stuck in the most weird place i ever had in server configuration .... 

maybe something could be edited in java side ( But i checked all importing files they seems alright and all methods classes are fine)

+ configuration file - Load quest = True

So any ideas for this strange situation ?

( I tried other buffers they fails same way as well... ) 

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