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[HELP] Spawnlist heading field



Hey Everybody,


I'm wondering if anybody can explain a bit how the field 'heading' in spawnlists works. I understand it has to do with it's orentation in the world, but I'm a bit confused as to exactly how. I've come across http://l2jserver.com/old-forum/print.php?threadid=19502&page=1&sid=89e0e7b2d6409b8bb9e1ad26aeff132e but that doesn't really shed any light.




Obviously I'd like to have the npc as flush against the wall as possible, so I want to manually put the values in instead of just spawning it haphazardly in the world.

7 answers to this question

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An easy way to spawn something with good heading is to use //spawn command ingame. If you target nothing, it will spawn according your actual heading.


About heading, that's just degrees, and so far (from what I rem) that goes from 0 to 65000. Following that rule, you can expect the following to be true.


              32500 (back)

16250(right side)      48750 (left side)

          0    65000 (face)


If the max heading value isn't 65k, well do changes according... You got the point.


About what direction is supposed to show 0 (east west north south) to be honest, I have no idea. Just test ingame.


PS : config.developer setted to true show your actual position (and heading). It can be useful to you if you don't want to use //spawn.


Regards, Tk.

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An easy way to spawn something with good heading is to use //spawn command ingame. If you target nothing, it will spawn according your actual heading.


About heading, that's just degrees, and so far (from what I rem) that goes from 0 to 65000. Following that rule, you can expect the following to be true.


              32500 (back)

16250(right side)      48750 (left side)

          0    65000 (face)


If the max heading value isn't 65k, well do changes according... You got the point.


About what direction is supposed to show 0 (east west north south) to be honest, I have no idea. Just test ingame.


PS : config.developer setted to true show your actual position (and heading). It can be useful to you if you don't want to use //spawn.


Regards, Tk.


Hi Tryskell,


Thanks for the help. Afterwards I searched for heading in the project and found:

// Calculate and set the heading of the L2Character
int heading = (int) (Math.atan2(-sin, -cos) * 10430.378350470452724949566316381);
heading += 32768;


Discovering yea, the heading is polar coordinates. The max here I believe is 32768, when I do half of that the rotation is 180 degrees. I'm trying to place my buffers flush with the church in Dion where it's not on 90 degree angles, so I guess I have to do a bit of math first.


Thanks again for the reply.

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Well, I confirm with a player you can obtain 65303 and such number. I'm bad on math so don't speak of polar, sinus or cosinus :D.


On L2Npc you got such formulas :


which means too the number is around 60k max for NPC too.


You can too simply check spawnlist.sql and check what is the biggest heading written inside. Lol.


Btw, my formula about heading is as following :


	public final static int calculateHeadingFrom(int obj1X, int obj1Y, int obj2X, int obj2Y)
	double angleTarget = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(obj2Y - obj1Y, obj2X - obj1X));
	if (angleTarget < 0)
		angleTarget = 360 + angleTarget;
	return (int) (angleTarget * 182.044444444);


And guess what, 360 * 182,044444444 equals 65536.

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Well, I confirm with a player you can obtain 65303 and such number. I'm bad on math so don't speak of polar, sinus or cosinus :D.


On L2Npc you got such formulas :


which means too the number is around 60k max for NPC too.


You can too simply check spawnlist.sql and check what is the biggest heading written inside. Lol.


Btw, my formula about heading is as following :


	public final static int calculateHeadingFrom(int obj1X, int obj1Y, int obj2X, int obj2Y)
	double angleTarget = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(obj2Y - obj1Y, obj2X - obj1X));
	if (angleTarget < 0)
		angleTarget = 360 + angleTarget;
	return (int) (angleTarget * 182.044444444);


And guess what, 360 * 182,044444444 equals 65536.


Well that makes sense too, but it's still weird. I actually did my math based on (degree) * 91.02; 360 * 91.02 = 32768 and 720 * 91.02 = 65534.4 (close nuff); Though your example is basically mine doubled. I'll just assume that yours is correct. By my values I manged to line the buffers up ok:




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Well dunno which pack you're using, my calcul came from my IL pack refactored using L2J Freya (8 months old).


Seems you use old IL not refactored.


Yea, it's just the normal l2j interlude distro from the old nightlies folder.

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