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[Preview] Vindictus EU


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Seems no one speak really about it :P.


It's a Action based game (as Rakion), heavily instancied (the only general zone is the village, and I think it's instancied aswell...). It has nothing from a RPG, except the inventory and the skill trees. The storyline is linear, but dungeons you already made are unlocked forever and can be replayed as much as you want (basically farming raid bosses ones to get good mats).


The game is basically build on "fast action" : you enter in a random party using a sort of partymatching system, after less than 1min. Generally parties don't survive to more than one dungeon, but in some rare cases, ppl stay together.


Once you entered a party, you go in a boat (waiting room). Once all are ok, the game begins. You enter in a dungeon. Goal is to go from point A to point B. In some dungeons you got a final boss, and in the end of each "sequel" (a sequel is a set of dungeons with the same visual environnement) you got a "raid boss". In the cinematic posted higher, the sequel ends with the death of the Red Gnoll Leader (was incriminating to cause troubles to the army you are serving, but finally it wasn't him lol).


The plus are :

- graphisms, which are quite awesome for a F2P game (cloth movement, and so on).

- fast action, never get bored to find a party

- interesting gameplay : combo system, usable environnement (breakables, traps), notation system at the end (good for e-penis... asiatic games...), dynamic fights (you must target by yourself to launch a skill)


The minus are :

- repetitive game (dungeons of a sequel : dungeon C = dungeon A + dungeon B, repeat the scenario until dungeon I/J).

- nothing to do, except farming dungeons (there's a fish system which is funny)

- 0 character customization (looks like L2 for the number of choices, sets can be named onyl from the visual)

- only PvE (for now) I read the game will introduce a guild system and guild fights. Dunno how, or even if, it will be introduced.


Finally, if I have to give a note : 12/20. 15/20 if they add some PvP and activities. For the moment you play some days then you get bored like hell.

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