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[BOT] OOG Walker for TheGame.gr + Full OOG/IG Guides


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eeee..pws mporw na kanw to bot na varaei mexri ta 20 se mia perioxi kai meta na paei mono tou se alli???>


Para poly dyskola, me xrisi script ( min to dokimaseis ;) )

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Kalhpera...poy mporw na balw thn ip enos allou server na to xrhsimopoiw ekei?


Den enai toso aplo. Yparxoun kai alla stoixeia pou diaferoun analoga me ton server opws to protocol.


pou 8a mporousa na vrw ena tetoio script???(toso diskolo einai na pws sto bot if lvl>20 goto x?)


Den kserw an yparxoun etoima, alla opws sou eipa dn tha to synistousa kathws paizoun polla opws pk ston dromo klp ;)

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Rules of Scripting

This page contains a list of codes (syntax) used by the L2Walker and L2Superman scripting language. Before you begin, take a look of these very important rules of scripting.
Rule 1: Always save as Unicode
When saving the file, use notepad and select Unicode for the encoding. Go to the tutorials section for more information.
Rule 2: Dont use Tabs
If you use tabs, your script will not function properly. Notice none of my scripts use tabs. This makes the script hard to read, but it has to be so.
Rule 3: Don't use spaces
Just like you can't use tabs, you can't use spaces, unless they are used to seperate words in comments, npc names, item names, or skill names. You may also use spaces in some of the control syntax, such as Call(), Jmp() or Label()
Rule 4: Conditions within conditions DON'T work

Something like this:

Msg(Condition: Should Not Show 1)
Msg(Condition: Should Not Show 2)
Msg(Condition: Should Not Show 3)
Will not work. The opening bracket { will seek the first closing bracket }. Code directly after the closing bracket will be executed. In this case, that would be the Msg(Condition: Should Not Show 3).
Note: Some of my older scripts (if not updated) use conditions within conditions. They should, however, work fine nevertheless. This is because the conditions are not necessary, but put in as a form of backup coding before I knew the information here. It is, in other words a backup feature that does not work :P
This is a comment. Its sole purpose is to mark sections code. Walker will ignore anything written after a comment, as long as it is on the same line. A comment could consist of a foreward slash /, several foreward slashes //////, or foreward slashes and any text beyond it ////[ East Guard ]////

Here are a few more examples:
////[ How to use a comment 101 ]////
/This is a comment you can write anything here even this:
/the Exit() function above will do nothing at all.
/This is because there is a comment placed in front of it.

/This however will make your script exit:
/This is because the comment is placed after the code.

//////////You may use any number of foreward slashes
Delay()/<----[You may also use comments like this]
/if you do so, the the code before the comment will still work.
Call() goes to a Label(), then upon the command Return() it returns back to where the Call() was placed. Take a look at this code for example:



The first Call(Test1) will jump to the Label(Test1), carry out the codes following it then return back to the first Call(Test1) once it hits Return().

It will then perform the Delay(1000)//1 function and continue to the second Call(Test1).

The second Call(Test1) will also jump to the Label(Test1) and perform the functions following but this time, upon the Return() code it will not return to the first Call(Test1) but to the second Call(Test1) and then perform the Delay(1000)//2 function.

This will continue to happen for each Call(Test1) and will return to that specific Call(Test1) upon the command Return()

If i had used Jmp() instead of Call(), the return would be ineffective, and the code would not return back to the Jmp() upon the Return() code. It would, rather, continue on with the scrip. In the case of the above script, it would end after the Delay(2000)//Call1 as there are no more effective codes following it.

I hope this explains it.

Try this script to see what i mean...then try replacing all the Call() code with Jmp() code and see what happens.

This will stop the script for the defined ammount of time. For example, Delay(2000) will stop the script for 2 seconds. 1000 milliseconds is 1 second.
This will terminate the script

This function goes to town if you are dead. Does nothing if you are alive

Refer to the Call() function found above

Refer to the Call() function found above

This will pause the script indefinately. Press Continue on the script panel to continue to the script

Refer to the Call() function found above. The misconception about Return() is that it is used to restart the script, which it does not.

This will display the message inside the brackets to the L2walker chat area. Other players CAN see the output of this script. If you were to write say(I am a bot!), you would be saying to other players "I am a bot!"
NPC Interaction:
Here is an example of NPC Commands:
StrInDlg(Say you will help)
DLGSEL(Say you will help)
StrNotInDlg(Say you will help)
DLGSEL(Go to another village)
DLGSEL(Go to another village)
DLGSEL(The Northeast Coast - 700 ??)
DELAY (30000)

Selects the defined dilogue in a diologue window

Enables diologue with the defined NPC

Selects an NPC

Looks for a certain string in the dilogue and if it exists performs functions withiin a mathematica brace { }. The brace MUST follow this statement for it to function correctly

Looks for a certain strin in the dilogue and if it does not exists, the script will performs functions in a mathematica brace { }. a mathematica brace { } must follow the script.
Buys Item. Must have the buy window open with the desired npc

Buys seed. Must have the buy seed window open with the desired npc

takes out the desired item from the warehouse. Withdraw window must be opened. Use semicolon ; to add other items. Here is an example:
This code will remove 50 stems and 50 varnish from the warehouse

similar to the above, except that it will put items into the warehouse instead of take them out. Here is an example:
DLGSEL(Deposit Item (Private Warehouse))
The first part of this script is not necessary. It selects the desired npc (in this case, Airy), and opens the "Deposit Item" window (see NPCs section below for more information). Similar to the above load item syntax, which removes 50 stems and 50 varnish, it will place 9999 stems (or all, if you don't have that many) into the warehouse.
Similar to the BuyItem(ITEMNAME [iD=#],#;) function. The buy window must be open with an NPC. This code will buy the desired items, provided that the NPC carries them and you have the required adena.

Similar to the BuySeed() function, but it sells seeds instead

I am not entirely familiar with the UseSkill syntax. When it comes to this section, I advise you use common sense.
This syntax is used to make your character cast a spell on an NPC target. The target name has to be specified.
I am unfamiliar with the use of this syntax. If anyone knows, please email me.
Sets the character to either sit or stand. 0 = sit, 1 = stand.

UseItem(ITEMNAME [iD=#];)
Uses a desired item or items
This syntax adds a Path point to the Define PathPoint section (found on the Pathing tab) of l2walker.
This syntax clears all path points
This syntax adds a point to the Define Range section of the Pathing tab in L2-Walker options.
This syntax clears all Define Range positions
This syntax enables fighting mode.
This syntax disables fighting mode
This syntax sets a
This syntax disables L2-Walker. Scripts still function when L2-Walker is disabled
This syntax enables L2-Walker. Scripts still function when L2-Walker is disabled
Set(Mon,Attack,NAME [iD=#])
This syntax sets the settings of a perticular monster (as defined by Name[iD=#]) to Attack. In other words, Walker will attack that perticular monster.
Set(Mon,AttackOne,NAME [iD=#])
This syntax sets the settings of a perticular monster (as defined by Name[iD=#]) to Attack alone. In other words, Walker will attack that perticular monster, but only if that monster is found to be by itself.
Set(Mon,NoAttack,NAME [iD=#])
This syntax sets the settings of a perticular monster (as defined by Name[iD=#]) to Not Attack. In other words, Walker will not attack that perticular monster, unless that monster initiates combat.
This syntax sets the perimiters of fighting to the Define Path Point mode.
This syntax sets the perimiters of fighting to the Center of an x, y and z Point, with a radius as defined by the radii.
This syntax sets the perimiters of fighting to the Define Range mode.
This syntax sets the perimiters of fighting to the RAnd mode (what ever that does).
This syntax sets the perimiters of fighting to the "Combat Begin Point is Center Point" mode with a radius as defined by radii.
//code to be executed goes here
Must be followed by a mathematical brace { }. This script is to be followed by a mathematical brace { }. This code will calculate the character's current HP value, and if the conditons >=|> |==|!=|<|<= satisfy the number to the right #, the script within the a mathematical brace { } will be executed .
//code to be executed goes here
Similar to the first of the conditions series, but it calculates the MP value. If it satisfies the conditions it will perform the script within the a mathematical brace { }.
//code to be executed goes here
Similar to the first of the conditions series, but it calculates the HP percenage. If it satisfies the conditions it will perform the script within the brackets { }.
//code to be executed goes here
Similar to the first of the conditions series, but it calculates the HP percenage. If it satisfies the conditions it will perform the script within the a mathematical brace { }.
//code to be executed goes here
Similar to the first of the conditions series, but it calculates the MP percenage. If it satisfies the conditions it will perform the script within the a mathematical brace { }.
//code to be executed goes here
Similar to the first of the conditions series, but it checks the character's race (by this, I assume they mean Class). If it satisfies the conditions it will perform the script within the a mathematical brace { }.
//code to be executed goes here
Similar to the first code of the CharStatus() seires, but it calculates the SP value. If it satisfies the conditions it will perform the script within the a mathematical brace { }.
//code to be executed goes here
Similar to the first code of the CharStatus() sequence, but it checks wether or not the character is standing. 0 = sit, 1 = stand. If it satisfies the conditions it will perform the script within the a mathematical brace { }.
//code to be executed goes here
Similar to the first code of the CharStatus() sequence, but it calculates the weight value of the character's inventory. If it satisfies the conditions it will perform the script within the a mathematical brace { }.
//code to be executed goes here
Must be followed by a mathematical brace { }. Checks wether or not the character is within the specified area (detirmened by the x, y and z axis as the epicenter of the location and the radius as the possible distance away from that location). If the character is found within this area, the code within the a mathematical brace { } is executed.
//code to be executed goes here
Must be followed by a mathematical brace { }. Checks wether or not the character is within the specified area (detirmened by the x, y and z axis as the epicenter of the location and the radius as the possible distance away from that location). If the character is NOT found within this area, the code within the a mathematical brace { } is executed.
//code to be executed goes here
This code is to be followedby a mathematical brace { }. Make sure both the open and close bracket is on a seperate line. This code Checks wether or not you have a certain ammount of items in your inventory (including what your character is equiped with) and if it satisfies the conditions it will perform the script within the a mathematical brace { }. Here is an example:
ITEMCOUNT(Wooden Arrow[iD=17],<=,20)
//code to be executed goes here
Mathematical Brace . These are preceeded by a conditonal statement, such as a CharStatus() code. if the condition is satisfied, the code in the a mathematical brace will be executed. otherwise, it will be skipped. This is not to be used alone as a means of defining an object or a section of code. The opening and closing braces are to be each ALONE on a seperate line with no other characters or spaces preceeding and/or following it on that same line.
Equal to. Used in conditional statements
Greater Than. Used in conditional statements
Greater Than or Equal To. Used in conditional statements
Less Than. Used in conditional statements
Less Than, or Equal to. Used in conditional statements
Not Equal to. Used in conditional statements
A semicolon seperates item names in many of the codes under the "Items" section. This lets you define more than one type of item to be stored, sold, bought, withdrawn in a single code. The example under the LoadItems() script, found above, shows how the semicolon would be used.

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xm ego thelo na rotiso kati allo kseroume ti akrivos tropopoiei to msvcr71.exe kai ti to host.exe- kala to host os ena vathmo fenetai to thema einai oti auta einai.exe .....kanenas hardcore tropos (xeirokinitos dld) na kanoume tis allages pou kanoun ta arxeia xoris na trexoume 1 ksero .exe iparxei?

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xm ego thelo na rotiso kati allo kseroume ti akrivos tropopoiei to msvcr71.exe kai ti to host.exe- kala to host os ena vathmo fenetai to thema einai oti auta einai.exe .....kanenas hardcore tropos (xeirokinitos dld) na kanoume tis allages pou kanoun ta arxeia xoris na trexoume 1 ksero .exe iparxei?


Bebaiws. To thema einai oti to 90% kserei na kanei double-click mono  ;D.


Hosts: Pame "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc" kai kanoume edit to arxeio "hosts" me to notepad. Afou to kanoume edit tha prepei na einai kapws etc mesa localhost vip.tt2xz.com vip1.tt2xz.com vip2.tt2xz.com vip3.tt2xz.com vip4.tt2xz.com vip5.tt2xz.com vip6.tt2xz.com vip7.tt2xz.com vip.towalker.com vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com


msvcr: Pame "C:\WINDOWS\system" kai rixnoume ekei mesa to dll

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dn iparxei entoli move?(dwse kana site na diavasw kanonika (mikra) scriptakia kai olokliro to syntax)

PLZ ;)

episis den iparxoun telestes opws if,for while ktl???


To mono pou kserw einai oti vlepeis sto code pio panw ;)

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