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classic [L2OFF]L2C1 Classic Server !


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If you don't like the new chronicles or you just want to try C1, that's your chance! Don't be like the others, be different! That's the only international C1 server. Give it a try.

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If you don't like the new chronicles or you just want to try C1, that's your chance! Don't be like the others, be different! That's the only international C1 server. Give it a try.

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Huge update has been made!


In order to connect:

Run Updater 200y107.jpg


Or download this pacht: Direct link





-Party rates: http://www.lineage2.com/news/highfive_06.html


-Low level protection for hight level PK


-Can't Private store Near GK


-Adena rate increased


-Official events: L2day, event medals etc.. -Lottery update


-Added more Raid boss


-Some bugs fixed




In next days clan hall, npc helper, skills could have changes.







LineageC1 staff team.

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If you don't like the new chronicles or you just want to try C1, that's your chance! Don't be like the others, be different! That's the only international C1 server. Give it a try.

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