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Noble's trip @ Dominion 1st beta!!!! hue hue hue


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btw Noble, 2/11? Sucky score :p


someone told me not to pick orianna cuz we would need a better champ.in the end orianna was good only for slow and haste and not for dmg :D
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Even though it seems so cool, the maps, the new graphics etc it gives me the feeling that it's something REALLY shitty and messy.


The only way you can ensure a victory is just by having a premade team and communicate with them via a teamspeak.Otherwise, playing with randomers will get you to no team-work since every guy will be doing whatever he wants.


I think it will fail pretty much.Let's see though...

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Even though it seems so cool, the maps, the new graphics etc it gives me the feeling that it's something REALLY shitty and messy.


The only way you can ensure a victory is just by having a premade team and communicate with them via a teamspeak.Otherwise, playing with randomers will get you to no team-work since every guy will be doing whatever he wants.


I think it will fail pretty much.Let's see though...

TS is needed indeed in serious matches.but since every1 is going on 5 spots 1 by 1 it is not hard to pvp.
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Since I didn't have the chance to test it, how do you find it?

they suddenly put it on beta for 2 hours. i expect the same tonight xd ppl got crazy when they saw in match history the games this morning :D i liked it
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spam some more




PS:They should focus on the ranked matches atm.



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they suddenly put it on beta for 2 hours. i expect the same tonight xd ppl got crazy when they saw in match history the games this morning :D i liked it



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