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[Help] Udyr


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As the title says, I need some help with Udyr, I went at some build sites but I didn't like what I see, so I thought if some of you could help me with his build etc, Thanks



PS: I want him to be at lane bcs I have no jungle runes nor experience as jungler.


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i usually dont pick smite for jungle udyr.this shows that he is the best jungler for me.




start from blue golem and pick phoenix stance.if you re low exp have someone pull it.spam phoenix every 5 sec and smite it.keep going on wolves,ghosts,golem -->potion and then go red.


easy jungle



merc or ninja tabi depends on enemy team

randuins/banshees depends on enemy team



cleaver or wits end(optional)


imo lanedyr is difficult.u need to pay attention on your mp and if you pair up with other laner you might be outfarmed ;)

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my problem is that i think that w/o armor runes i can't jungle that's why i'm not bcs i don't have. and btw at every team fight i get in i see my life going down like shit.. i tryed to kill a brand 2vs1 me and a leona vs a brand, we were 10lvl both, i had trinity, mercu. he has morello, sorceror and hext he OWNED Me w/o he's ulti he took half my hp and i hit bear stance 1st , stun 1 sec (lol) tiger then and i spammed tiger since i had shen, my dmg was LOWWWWWWWWWWW i was doing 0 dmg.. he owned me like i was annie


PS: my biggest problem is that every time i see a udyr at lane I KNOW i can't kill him. it's impossible to die, but i die like paper..

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my problem is that i think that w/o armor runes i can't jungle that's why i'm not bcs i don't have. and btw at every team fight i get in i see my life going down like shit.. i tryed to kill a brand 2vs1 me and a leona vs a brand, we were 10lvl both, i had trinity, mercu. he has morello, sorceror and hext he OWNED Me w/o he's ulti he took half my hp and i hit bear stance 1st , stun 1 sec (lol) tiger then and i spammed tiger since i had shen, my dmg was LOWWWWWWWWWWW i was doing 0 dmg.. he owned me like i was annie


PS: my biggest problem is that every time i see a udyr at lane I KNOW i can't kill him. it's impossible to die, but i die like paper..


Use D Masteries and armor seals + MR glyphs.

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i usually dont pick smite for jungle udyr.this shows that he is the best jungler for me.




start from blue golem and pick phoenix stance.if you re low exp have someone pull it.spam phoenix every 5 sec and smite it.keep going on wolves,ghosts,golem -->potion and then go red.


easy jungle



merc or ninja tabi depends on enemy team

randuins/banshees depends on enemy team



cleaver or wits end(optional)


imo lanedyr is difficult.u need to pay attention on your mp and if you pair up with other laner you might be outfarmed ;)

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I tryed junlging with the runes i had..which is 25 armo pen and glyph/seal armor and mr per lvl.


so i was ok at lvls and jungle, i took whole jungle, blue-> wolfs-> wraths-> golems-> red

then i got back. took lantern, boots of spd and 3 potions, and since i was 4 had 2 on tiger 1 turtle 1 bear i went top to gank. on top i had nunu allied and as enemies jax and brand.

we focused brand since he had 60% of his life and jax 80%. so went out of bushed activate ghost, bear and stunned brand, after standed brand jax left and before i get to active tiger stance brand had me killed and almoast nunu too...

so i'm asking WTF HAPPENED


ps: they were 3 lvl each i was 4 and nunu 4 too...  ah.. i almoast forgot jax came and killed nunu after... both enemies left alive.


Then i went to gank mid, ashe allied, ori enemy. b4 i get close to her got slowed, ultied, dead. she got hit only by ashe's ulti and 1-2 auto of her. nothing more.


After some more time i went bot to gank there was gp and singed allied and shen with cait enemies i was 8lvl shen and ait both 6 and my allies singed 7 gp 6.

so went out with ghost+bear,gp used ulti,i got slowed by cait, i stuned shen, shen got away and cait flashed at her turret so fail again, no one died..

Game ended with our surrender bcs ashe fed ori and she was crazy dmging us..


SO  i know i wrote a lot but I wanna know, they were good or i'm a -beep-ing noob ?

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