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paidia koita3te thelw na kanw ston server m enan 2o yposerver ...

px ekei p leei

1 = bartz ... na exei apo katw

2 = siegehartz

wste na mporw na elenxw ta rates tou 2 = siegehartz  ktlp...


Perneis to gameserver - sql - tools - folders meta ta bazeis se enan fakelo GameServerII as poume p.x ftiaxneis ena new database , meta pas tools/database_installer.bat to kaneis edit bazeis to bin tou MySQL meta allazeis to database apo l2jdb se oti ebales to new database sto navicat i phpmymadmin , kaneis install to DB apo database_installer.bat molis to teleiwseis ftiaxneis hexid k to bazeis sto gameserverII fakelo /config / ekei mesa ... meta pas gameserverII/config/server.properties k anoigeis to server.properties k allazeis to port p s exei apo 7777 se 7778 des edw








meta allazeis auto edw



# This is the server id that the gameserver will request (i.e. 1 is Bartz)

RequestServerID = 1 <-- to id tou neou hexid pou ebales

# If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server  if the requested id is allready reserved

AcceptAlternateID = True <-- prepei na einai true !!!


meta apo auto pas


# Database info




URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb <-- allazeis to l2jdb sto DB to neo p ekanes k einai i nea DB

#URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb <-- allazeis to l2jdb sto DB to neo p ekanes k einai i nea DB

#URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password= <-- allazeis to l2jdb sto DB to neo p ekanes k einai i nea DB


k meta EISE OK!!! trexeis loginserver.bat tou main folder tou server , trexeis gameserver.bat tou main folder .bat k meta trexeis gameserver.bat tou gameserverII folder tou neou fakelou p ekanes k 8a s bgalei k ta 2 log in me epythxeia ... pistebw se boh8hsa. Good Luck


Vent00za nice file! Sunexise etsi kai suntoma tha eisai se psilotero epipedo! Ta pas perifima...Enimerwste gia an to provlima luthike...


einai aplo. pernis ena l2joneogameserver to bazis mesa eki pou exis tn server sou kai meta pernis ena l2j to pas sto c:/to name tou server sou/diskw/usr/local/mysql/data eki mesa exi ena l2jdb esi ftiaxe ena alo to idio kai onomaseto l2jdb2 kai balto sto mysql/data mesa.meta pas loginserver pata register login server kai ftiaxnis ena 2 henix.mta patas start bat kai ma 8es anigis kai tous 2 servers ;)

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