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[Share][Interlude]All R95 Weapons to C6


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Hi all! We are the Avenger's Team and here have one more work from us. All R95 weapons from goddess to Interlude.

You will only need to create the xml to them, but in the file already have de sql. We don't make the bowgun's because them can't be used in c6.

If you have some problem report to us!

Thank's All!  :D


Download link(10,95MB): http://www.fileserve.com/file/feYvRDe

File Password:[glow=red,2,300] AvengersTeam[/glow]


Credit's: [glow=red,2,300]Avenger's Team(AiramCruz™, BrunoBR,  ByOrion, JohnScott)[/glow]




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Any ScreeShot ? Or Video ?


Thanks for the share


Have a screenshot link on topic man, if you can't see this make an account on Imageshack: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/607/1culq.png/

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Good work. I wonder to know how to make this stuffs, but my weapons always floates and they aren't attached correctly in the hand.

lol because you can't make weapon,accessories,etc with UnrealEngine because the system used gildor for make L2TOOL is of UT2004 not from Lineage, so Lineage work different of UT2004, you need use OUAKX chinese tool it work without bones.
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Do you have an updated guide to make this¿? I searched and searchedand all that I found was a guides since 2009. Like LauQ guide.




If I follow this guide, the weapons still floating.

I use this guide too:




I use this guide and the problem is the same:



And weapons still floating.


If you have a correct guide about make weapons correctly I'll be very grateful, but I'm afraid the "Search Option" and "Google" hates me.

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Do you have an updated guide to make this¿? I searched and searchedand all that I found was a guides since 2009. Like LauQ guide.




If I follow this guide, the weapons still floating.

I use this guide too:




I use this guide and the problem is the same:



And weapons still floating.


If you have a correct guide about make weapons correctly I'll be very grateful, but I'm afraid the "Search Option" and "Google" hates me.

the guide about allcheats.ru is what you need know, the problem is you need search correct axis in 3D STUDIO MAX for see good ingame, just need try change position and export file to make ukx and go to game and see where is it, is not in correct place just continue moving it and when get correct position is done.
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    • well i didnt used to had that issue u reffering , u can always lower the page value that would show on each page . keep in mind it was taken  from h5 that it can handle more html length than interlude .   package handlers.admincommandhandlers; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.handler.IAdminCommandHandler; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.WorldObject; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.item.instance.Item; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.util.Util; public class AdminInventory implements IAdminCommandHandler { private static final String[] ADMIN_COMMANDS = { "admin_showinv", "admin_delete_item" }; @Override public boolean useAdminCommand(String command, Player activeChar) { WorldObject target = activeChar.getTarget(); if (target == null || !target.isPlayer()) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.INVALID_TARGET); return false; } if (command.startsWith(ADMIN_COMMANDS[0])) { if (command.length() > ADMIN_COMMANDS[0].length()) { String com = command.substring(ADMIN_COMMANDS[0].length() + 1); if (Util.isDigit(com)) { showItemsPage(activeChar, Integer.parseInt(com)); } } else { showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); } } int count = 1; if (command.contains(ADMIN_COMMANDS[1])) { String[] parts = command.split(" "); if (parts.length == 3) { try { count = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { activeChar.sendMessage("Invalid quantity format."); return false; } } if (count == 0) { activeChar.sendMessage("Quantity must be 1 or above, or left blank for default."); showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); return false; } String val = parts[1]; target.getActingPlayer().destroyItem("GM Destroy", Integer.parseInt(val), count, null, true); showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); } return true; } private void showItemsPage(Player activeChar, int page) { final WorldObject target = activeChar.getTarget(); final Player player = target.getActingPlayer(); final Item[] items = player.getInventory().getItems().toArray(new Item[0]); int maxItemsPerPage = 13; int maxPages = items.length / maxItemsPerPage; if (items.length > (maxItemsPerPage * maxPages)) { maxPages++; } if (page > maxPages) { page = maxPages; } int itemsStart = maxItemsPerPage * page; int itemsEnd = items.length; if ((itemsEnd - itemsStart) > maxItemsPerPage) { itemsEnd = itemsStart + maxItemsPerPage; } final NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); adminReply.setFile(activeChar, "data/html/admin/inventory.htm"); adminReply.replace("%PLAYER_NAME%", activeChar.getName()); StringBuilder sbPages = new StringBuilder(); for (int x = 0; x < maxPages; x++) { int pagenr = x + 1; sbPages.append("<td><button value=\"" + pagenr + "\" action=\"bypass -h admin_showinv " + x + "\" width=20 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"); } adminReply.replace("%PAGES%", sbPages.toString()); StringBuilder sbItems = getStringBuilder(itemsStart, itemsEnd, items); adminReply.replace("%ITEMS%", sbItems.toString()); activeChar.sendPacket(adminReply); } private static StringBuilder getStringBuilder(int itemsStart, int itemsEnd, Item[] items) { StringBuilder sbItems = new StringBuilder(); sbItems.append("<table width=270>"); sbItems.append("<tr>"); sbItems.append("<td width=24><b> </b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=120><b> </b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=90><b>Count</b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=65><b>Quantity</b></td>"); sbItems.append("</tr>"); for (int i = itemsStart; i < itemsEnd; i++) { Item item = items[i]; sbItems.append("<tr>"); sbItems.append("<td><img src=").append(item.getTemplate().getIcon()).append(" width=24 height=24></td>"); sbItems.append("<td>").append(item.getName()).append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td>").append(item.getCount()).append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td>"); sbItems.append("<edit var=\"itemCount_").append(i).append("\" width=40>"); sbItems.append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td><button action=\"bypass -h admin_delete_item ").append(item.getObjectId()).append(" $itemCount_").append(i).append("\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI_ct1.Button_DF_Delete\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.Button_DF_Delete\"></button></td>"); sbItems.append("</tr>"); } sbItems.append("</table>"); return sbItems; } @Override public String[] getAdminCommandList() { return ADMIN_COMMANDS; } } Since i did jumped to mobius here the mobius one with quantity field aswell .  feel free to adapt it back to acis or wherever    <html><body><title>Inventory : %PLAYER_NAME%</title> <center> <table width=270> <tr> %PAGES% </tr> </table> </center> <br> %ITEMS% </body> </html>
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