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He is one of my favourite champion's,and i found a good guide with him on a website also playing after this guide will improve your game for sure :)

I hope you will like it :)






Abillity Sequence:


The Items&Mastery



Pros and Cons




-Extreme lane sustenance with Happy Hour and Drunken Rage

-All AoE damage, meaning you can instantly burst down MULTIPLE people at a time -- doing what LeBlanc does, but one step further ^^

-Has a slow

-Free flash every 5 seconds or so (depending on if you have blue and/or blue elixir or not)

-Terrific harass from a long range, and of course, it is AoE

-Crazy AP ratios (0.9 on Barrel Roll, a whopping 1.0 on Explosive Cask, and 0.5 on Body Slam [even though your main use for Body Slam is the utility aspects of it: as a free flash for gap closing and escaping, as well as an AoE slow; although the damage sure doesn't hurt you either =D])

-Extremely tanky from Drunken Rage

-AoE enemy team reposition with Explosive Cask. This is one of the best ultimates in the game, it REALLY screws with enemy positioning in teamfights, and can help you separate key champions away from the rest of their team.


-His extreme lane sustenance paired with his AoE safe harass and amazing farming and pushing capabilities makes him a top tier mid lane as well as top lane 1v1 OR 2v1








______Gragas is by far one of the easiest champions to farm and push with. All you have to do is toss a barrel in the middle of the enemy wave (in between the melee and caster creeps so it hits them all), and once you get your three Doran's Rings and onwards, that is all you will need. However, before you have your three Rings, you will need some extra oomph, and that is your AoE Body Slam. Simply Barrel Roll the creep wave as explained before, and then Body Slam into the middle of them to finish them all off.


______That's all there is to it!


______Ideally, you should be aiming to hit 150-200 or so CS before 25 minutes. With Gragas, that is a piece of cake to do.


______Just remember, during the laning phase, you should try to just use Barrel Roll and Body Slam to harass and last hit, and make sure not to push too hard, ESPECIALLY if the enemy team has a jungler and/or one or more of them are MIA (missing in action), until you know it is safe to do so (you have warded the brush and your enemy/enemies have recalled). Not pushing your lane too hard when it is not completely safe to do so will reduce your chances of getting ganked and dying to said gank.



Team Work/Your Purpose On Your Team


______You are a key member to your team.


______With this build, you will be one of the, if not the only AP carry on the team, so you want to make sure you stay alive as long as you can to dish out the most damage possible. ABUSE your ability range and Body Slam: stay back in teamfights, be safe, and keep chucking your barrels. That will be more than enough of a contribution to your team. And if you get caught in a sticky situation or you are going to chase someone to the death, use your Body Slam as much as possible.


______And of course, Explosive Cask. You can use it to initiate a fight and screw up the enemy's positioning, use it to screw up their positioning DURING the fight, save it to stop a channeled ultimate such as Nunu's Absolute Zero, Galio's Idol of Durand, Katarina's Death Lotus, or Fiddlesticks's Crowstorm, or save it to stop an enemy from chasing an ally.


______Out of teamfights, make sure you farm, farm, farm, and gank when you can. If you see any enemy overextending, make sure to punish them for it. And, if they try to run from you, just Explosive Cask them right back to you. :)


Laning, ganking, receiving ally ganks, and what to do when you get ganked.


I go SOLO TOP or MID with Gragas.




______As an AP carry, you scale extremely well with levels. You also need a lot of farm to have an extreme edge on your enemies. And, with the current meta, bot is dedicated to support/tank and AD range, jungle for the jungler (usually offtank), and mid and top for the two solos. Usually, mid is an AP carry, and in the US meta, top is someone very survivable, usually an offtank/melee DPS, or a survivable carry, such as Gragas. In the EU meta, usually there is an AP carry both mid and top, so Gragas works in both lanes there, too.


______Gragas is great top since he is very survivable, and as stated earlier needs to farm well. And, if the enemy does not have a jungler, you are still GREAT in top lane, since you have AoE safe harass. Meaning, you can still safely farm and harass the enemies, and prevent them from farming, even in a 2v1 lane; and then you will be a higher level than both of them, and since you don't have to worry about any ganks from an enemy jungle, you can easily pick up some lower level kills and overextend a bit. Gragas is one of the, if not THE best 1v2 champions to date.





______If you take mid, you should try to gank whenever your enemy recalls. Harass them from a safe distance, make them recall, and when they DO, make sure to completely push the next wave, and then go top or bot, whoever needs more help, to gank.

What to do in a gank:


1. Make sure you are in range to land your ultimate. If you need to Body Slam to get into a good position to ult, make sure you premeditate where you are going to Body Slam, so you don't mess your positioning up.

2. Position your ultimate correctly. Make sure the dot in your ultimate's AoE circle is behind the enemies, so that when you ulti, you will be pushing them towards your allies and away from their turret. See the section titled "How to NOT fail with Explosive Cask." for more information on how to position your ultimate correctly.

3. DO IT. If you execute your premeditated Explosive Cask and possible Body Slam correctly, you should net your allies some kills. JOB WELL DONE!



______If you are laning at top, you should just focus on farming, safe harassing, and safe pushing; don't worry about ganks. Unless you know you can leave your lane for a few minutes with it still being safe. Remember, since you are top lane, to gank bot you would have to go all the way across the map and back. The only safe lane to gank without requiring a hold from your jungler would be mid. Other than that, or even if you just go to mid but don't think your lane can stay pushed away from your turret for the duration of the gank, make sure to get your jungler to hold your lane while you are away.


Receiving Ally Ganks



______If you are top or mid and your jungler or another ally comes to gank your lane, make sure to ultimate correctly, as described above. When they are ready, initiate the gank by ulting the enemy towards you and your ally, so then your ally can come in and help you secure the kill.


Getting Ganked


______If you get ganked by an enemy, you should ultimate the enemies AWAY from you (once again, see the section titled "How to NOT fail with Explosive Cask." for more info on correct ultimate usage), and then Body Slam the hell out of there, and Flash too if need be.


Credits: wRAthoFVuLK


Best Regards.


I've only seen 2/3 decent Gragas players and they were all using the same style.


Not fully Ability Powered.Ability-offtank building.It was so hard to kill him but he could kill you in a matter of a few seconds.



strange you've seen only 2 or 3

atm annie brand cassiopeia and gragas are the best ap in game


lol Shushei fanboi.


Top AP carries are Brand, Orianna, Annie and Cass.


Gragas not that good :*


+Ammu for me.


OnTopic: Very good Guide! gj


Amumu offtank-ap ?  ;D


lol Shushei fanboi.


Top AP carries are Brand, Orianna, Annie and Cass.


Gragas not that good :*


Gragas is not so bad shushei proves it :)


I play Gragas with:

5 archangel

1 deathcap

you should try it and after complete this build buy all potions,recently i reached 1500 ap and my ulty killed some weak champions with once ;P


I play Gragas with:

5 archangel

1 deathcap

you should try it and after complete this build buy all potions,recently i reached 1500 ap and my ulty killed some weak champions with once ;P


You dont have enought time to finish the build,even though if you do it,this build should be enought to win a match.


I play Gragas with:

5 archangel

1 deathcap

you should try it and after complete this build buy all potions,recently i reached 1500 ap and my ulty killed some weak champions with once ;P


For real.


lol Shushei fanboi.


Top AP carries are Brand, Orianna, Annie and Cass.


Gragas not that good :*

right now, morg is.

I play Gragas with:

5 archangel

1 deathcap

you should try it and after complete this build buy all potions,recently i reached 1500 ap and my ulty killed some weak champions with once ;P

faking greek trollers that join ranked games. GF.

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