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Hey boys and girls this is my favorite tool for process edit :) There is newer version of jamilah, but this one fits me more ;) cuz when you know how to use it, it is undetectible p

1. extarct this rar in your C disk.

2. open CMD.

3. write in: C:\jamilah.exe I (I goes with information, after your write it you will see all commands wich are used with jamilah)




use it on your own risk :) i Use it alot of time ^^

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O shit i uploded newer version of jamilah :D 12.1 mhm ist more easy to use it, but I prefer old one, its more useful then this one :) i upload old one to :) what it does? It does whaterver your heart wants with process :D For example you can simulate GG, or if your server l.exe PId is hid or protecte you can make it visibile and unprotected :) This version(1.21) is very easy, just open the jamilah.exe and the tool window will pop up :)

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first of all I said, use it on your own risk... If you dint liek the name or the way ho to open it, so close this window and go searc for some noobish bugs. people who know what jamilah is know what to do with it ;) and btw i you read the posts you should see that i wrote that this is newer version and it dosent requires Cmd... and OMG Jamilag project was satrted about 3-4 years ago and, if you dont eaven know the name of it, then you are quite noob in here :) Jamilah is more popula on other online games, because its the only way to kill, freeze, or fake GG or ant other protecion.... Dont like it, dont use it :)

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Why do i smell some crap like keylogger? But... That's only me...


Why I do smell that you dont even imagine what a f*uck your talking about...And you dont even know what is Process PId portection?

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I hate such people who gets good thing, but dont understand how to use it and the say:

I think its crapy keylogger lets ban that mutherF*ucker. That looks very noobish and funny to me, I dont understand alot of things too, but I dont try to blame everything i can :/



this is the original source of jamilah, want some info ask the developers...

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