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To moderators: I do know this is not the right area to post this (I did post it in the marketplace aswell) but you and I both know this is the best section to gather L2OFF developers, so I'd like to ask you to leave this post here aswell. Thank you.


Hello folks,


This is PyroMaker, you probably already know me. I've been developing Lineage 2 (L2OFF, not L2J) for the past 5 years. I was a GM in countless servers back in the day, such as L2Elite, L2Paradise and L2Ultimate, and after gathering some knowledge in development, I decided to start my own server: L2-Vendetta. Since then, I have made many variations of this same server, and among those variations throughout many years we can name but a few: L2Zion, L2Blood, L2Tastic, L2Dust and lately, L2Prodigy.


We've undergone many chronicles/thrones, all the way from C4 in 2007, to C5 in 2008 and Interlude in 2009. This year after so long, we've decided to give it a shot and go full Gracia Final PTS CT 2.3 with the aid of AdvExt, but unfortunately things have changed, things are not like before anymore. For starters, every single person in Gamesites200/Xtremetop100 and in some cases Hopzone are among the top 100 exclusively because of botnet/proxy voters, which really ruins everything, since in order to be there you'll one way or another have to pay for, and that's something I could not afford to, which means crappy advertisement, and that can only lead to very low population.


Now, of course if you do know me you will know that we did have to wipe our servers many times (except in 2007-2008) exclusively because of financial issues. Quite simple: a server has costs (and in our case they were always high), and when costs surpass donations, it's time to shutdown and give it another shot. Unless, of course, you manage to keep donations high at all times, and that's something I personally could not achieve. Let's face it, I'm a developer, not a real business man. It's not like I do have any administration knowledge, all I've done so far was because of the sheer will and lust to keep my projects alive, and to see the things I made come to life.


You might happen to know a few things me and my team have done. Some of them are quite famous out there, but some would be: Epic Weapons, Epic Dark Knight Armors, Epic Masks, Epic Shields, Epic Accessories, Mordor Weapons... hell, there's so much stuff I can't even remember. Even though almost no one does give us credits, we are the original creators of all those things. As I said, back in the day, things were different. Hell, I even made a pretty awesome guide to create L2OFF servers back in the day, out of sheer will to help people out, but those times are gone.


Anyways, now that I'm done with all the yadda-yadda-yadda that you're probably not interested in, allow me to cut to the chase: I am officially retiring of L2 altogether. I do not intend to deal with any L2 servers (directly or not) anymore, and with that being said, I'm putting for sale everything I have ever made so far. All the way from C4 to CT2.3 (C4, C5, C6 and CT 2.3). And it's not just the files, when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING.



* L2-Vendetta.com / L2Prodigy.com domains (in the event you plan to continue Vendetta's project, which would be great and I would even be willing to help you out in the beginning).


* ALL the server files, all the way from C4, C5 and C6 to CT2.3, with many variations, such as 1x rates, customs or no customs and whatever you want. I can do some adjustments depending on the case. If you do know me, I hope I don't have to state the features, but if you're interested in knowing more, you can always ask me. I might happen to have the client-side for all those aswell.


* ALL the web scripts I have ever done / donation management systems / administration panels... the whole shabang. Ask me and I'll see what I have for you.


* ALL the designs/layouts made for Vendetta and all the other servers such as Dust, Tastic and Prodigy, and some that weren't even ever used. It includes all sources (if available), the design itself & all the coding of it (HTML/CSS/PHP). I will do some adjustments such as changing the logo name to whatever you want and some other small adjustments, if you want. I can also completely revamp (change) the design for you (obviously it would cost more) and I can also create an entire new design, if you like my works but is looking for something unique. The links for all the design samples can be found in the following link:




* Whatever else you have in mind, ask.



Pricings are to be discussed directly with me, by either email or MSN. I am using both these adresses for mailing & MSN, so you can try to reach me on both. If for some reason you cannot find me online on MSN, send me an email.







Payments are also to be discussed directly with me, but I can say upfront the only payments I accept at the moment are PayPal, Western Union, or if you're brazilian you can send it directly to my bank account.


Now, I DO know haters' gonna hate, but please try to keep this topic as clean as possible, and only post here if you're interested in any of my services/products.


Thank you.



~ PyroMaker.



To moderators: I do know this is not the right area to post this (I did post it in the marketplace aswell) but you and I both know this is the best section to gather L2OFF developers, so I'd like to ask you to leave this post here aswell. Thank you.

Hello Folks,





Thank you.



~ PyroMaker.





"buy it for u steal itens" - I stopped reading there.

Obviously, its almost that all he wanna say. Even if he dont know english, hes cleaner than you ShitMaker
  • 1 month later...
  • Vision changed the title to L2-Vendetta.com / L2Prodigy.com projects
  • 3 years later...

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