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Intrepid for L2J as foretold.

Noble left his own.

Coyote is a retard and a GrisoM Copier with no personality.

MixMaster For Gold.

Vaxil Maybe Gold bcuz of his activity ?

SoFi Gold.

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i think only old high members can discuss who will be promoted

not randoms in forum come and say make him and him

like licking ***

and make the introduce your self section not count the posts

most of ppl with 2-3k+ posts they got 1k there saying welcome in any newbie coming

come on i could have with that 15k posts



and i am here from 2008  with frist acc and with sec  2009  and with 2 acc i dont get 1200 post.. cuz i dont run for post... like some pll who have 1year and have almost 8k post... i try to help and get help....


So we need be like 1 family..


1 for ALL

All for One..

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for me

MixMaster made good work in VIP section

think its 30% of use VIP account in this section with shares

so give him something

Yep , MixMaster's fine for gold.
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and me... I have alot of shares here... but i see he recruit. onlly guys who dont know make something.. i search in CS section .. and i dont see nothing from actualy Cs Moderators...:))

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Judging people by their post count is just senseless.


Firstly check their replys, I have 4500 posts, means Im spammer? Mostly 2000 only in dev help section.


Number of posts is not a determinant of quality.

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and i am here from 2008  with frist acc and with sec  2009  and with 2 acc i dont get 1200 post.. cuz i dont run for post... like some pll who have 1year and have almost 8k post... i try to help and get help....


So we need be like 1 family..


1 for ALL

All for One..

i agree that many run for post

but i am here to use the forum as a normal member do

i advertise my server

i answer ppl question when no answered in offtopic etc.

i look 1 time per day in general discussion lineage2 (1 time becaus 90% of topics there are useless or old now)

no run for posts no run for promote

i think you try to take a promote


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and me... I have alot of shares here... but i see he recruit. onlly guys who dont know make something.. i search in CS section .. and i dont see nothing from actualy Cs Moderators...:))

As foretold , you can't suggest your self.LMAO
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Judging people by their post count is just senseless.


Firstly check their replys, I have 4500 posts, means Im spammer? Mostly 2000 only in dev help section.


Number of posts is not a determinant of quality.

Matim we know u are Pro...  Onlly Erol is ok From Actualy Staff Member... 
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well many old members could take positions

The real question is

Who is willing to actually help and not brag about them getting a position.


for example i remember vazelos saying that he is willing to help the forum even start resharing if that could help reviving the forum.

Thats true motivation not me i know cs i know lineage i know that i wanna be mod let me be mod and ill make everything fine cause you know what ? people like that will just make this "rebuilding phase" go down really fast.

So what i am saying is you need people that got motives and actually want to help the forum get back to its feet again.

Old members might change theyr behavior and actually try to help if you ask them right give it a shot i remember many of "us" wanted to help back on the times of the old mxc but we didnt have a chance.

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[gr] Κανε τον λοχ τον mixmaster global mod gold member καντε καποιον που ειναι στο off topic περισσοτερο και τα αλλα δες τα pm σου

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As foretold , you can't suggest your self.LMAO

i give a exemple... i dont wanna nothing..i am ok Vip... But if we will Have some Staff member I wanna be something ok... not to ruins this forum..
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