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+4 dex -4 str

+1 dex -1 str

+4 Wit -4 Men (dont ask why if you know how to play you will see why)

Oh god....You don't know anything about dyes and you make a guide?Fighters can't use men dyes.Also -str will decrease your lethal and your patk which is needed sometimes(except if the server has no reuse delays.


Oh god....You don't know anything about dyes and you make a guide?Fighters can't use men dyes.Also -str will decrease your lethal and your patk which is needed sometimes(except if the server has no reuse delays.


lol i was tell you that you can use but i was bling lol, yes you should use +wit - int not -men



those are farm dyes right ?


titan/gladi pvp dyes -4dex +4con

                            -4dex +4str

                            -1dex +1str


those are pvp dyes for gladi, you need str on gladi for make more damage with skills not dex so better drop dex and add some more con and str.


1.You dont say about what dagger class are you speaking for..

2.Pvp or low / mid rate?

3.I prefer +str -con dyes for Gh..


Since gracia the lethal chance depends on STR, if you f*ck up the STR you suck... I play wind rider and I use this:


wit+4 int-4

str+2 con-2

no need dex


For mages I wouldnt do +4wit -4men, +1wit -1men, +4int -4men


I prefer to play with +4wit -4men , +4int -4men , con+4 str-4


And at summoners where u say no 3rd dye.. You should change it to Con+4 str-4

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