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[Help] Create a new item

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Hello. My problem is I can not create an item, using another existing item. It created the item in the database with Navicat (custom_etcitem). Then add the item in the itemname-e and then in etcitemgrp and, but in the game, the item appears, but as NoNameItem name, or something else. I did my item on the code of Golden Apiga.


This is my base.


9143	Golden Apiga	false	none	0	stackable	none	-1	0	0	false	false	true	false	InterludeItem	none



And my work:


Navicat (custom_etcitem)

55555   Special Coin    false     none   0   stackable   none   -1   0   0   false   false   true   true   InterludeItem   none





55555   Special Coin      a,Special Coin can be tradded. \0   -1   a,   a,   a,   a,   0   0   0   a,





2   55555   0   3   5   6   0   DropItems.drop_pig_coin_m00         DropItemsTex.drop_pig_coin_t00         icon.etc_pig_adena_i00               0   0   18   0   0   1      1      ItemSound.itemdrop_etc_book      2   0   0


Maybe you can help me! Thank you!



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It happens when you put in wrong place the code in itemname-e.dat.

The file is separated for 3 parts, armor, weapon and etc. So, simply you have to paste it in correct category.

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nope thats wrong :D, if its freya, how do you add it to etcitem.sql man you must add in stats folder in gameserver :| well i made about 500 new items on my server so i know what i am talking about

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i know what i am talking about


It seems to me that you don't. If so, while creating the item in-game, he should have a message 'The item doesn't exist'. But as he said, he has the item but has no name.. So, he have to put it in correct place in itemname-e.dat

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Maybe I am making something wrong. Someone can help me? What I do is simple for you apparently. Im new in L2J. I want to do an item like Golden Apiga, with the same features, but another name. Thank you!


nope thats wrong :D, if its freya, how do you add it to etcitem.sql man you must add in stats folder in gameserver :| well i made about 500 new items on my server so i know what i am talking about


My server is Interlude. In stats follder in gameserver have 4 folders: Armor, Agmentations, skills and weapon. And statBonus.xml and statBonus.xsd. Where I must add my item ?

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44441 Weapon Coin a,type here something.\0 -1 0 0 a, 0 0 a, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a, 1





2 44441 0 0 2 5 0 dropitems.drop_sack_m00 dropitemstex.drop_sack_t00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 icon.etc_coins_gold_i00 -1 0 18 0 B2A 0 1 1 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_money 2 0 0



and add to sql yourself cause i have new version and there is no etcitem.sql



or this one (it has apiga icon)



2 44444 0 0 2 5 0 dropitems.drop_sack_m00 dropitemstex.drop_sack_t00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 icon.etc_pig_adena_i00 -1 0 18 0 B2A 0 1 1 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_money 2 0 0






44444 TvT Coin a,Coin obtained from TvT event, used to buy items in GM Shop.\0 -1 0 0 a, 0 0 a, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a, 1


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44441 Weapon Coin a,type here something.\0 -1 0 0 a, 0 0 a, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a, 1





2 44441 0 0 2 5 0 dropitems.drop_sack_m00 dropitemstex.drop_sack_t00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 icon.etc_coins_gold_i00 -1 0 18 0 B2A 0 1 1 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_money 2 0 0



and add to sql yourself cause i have new version and there is no etcitem.sql



or this one (it has apiga icon)



2 44444 0 0 2 5 0 dropitems.drop_sack_m00 dropitemstex.drop_sack_t00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 icon.etc_pig_adena_i00 -1 0 18 0 B2A 0 1 1 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_money 2 0 0






44444 TvT Coin a,Coin obtained from TvT event, used to buy items in GM Shop.\0 -1 0 0 a, 0 0 a, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a, 1



Thank you for ur help but I cant modify. I think it should be through the spaces between the values. You may not respect the table by copy and paste. Anyway, thanks for reply

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oh, i read that you have freya sorry man, you know what, take 1 item from etcitem copy and paste make id 44331, dont change anything else, go to itemname.dat take ANY item and just change ID, nothing else, than go to database and add copy apiga and paste with 44331 id. try that maybe it about ID s.

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