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Welcome to L2 Noname, our Lineage II server.

L][ Noname Is a New PvP Interlude Server. & with our job keeping the data safe.

Please, Go To Site, And Download The Patch. Join Us, Have Fun!


- Exp: x4000

- SP: x4000

- Adena: x4000

- Drop: x1

- Safe Enchant: +7

- Max Enchant +25

- Normal Scrolls: 75%

- Blessed Scrolls: 95%



Gold Bar Exchanger:

- You can exchange all your adena, with Gold bars which you can transfer them back to adena when you need them.

It allows you to collect as many adena ( 200.000.000 ) as you want in your inventory. ( .deposit .withdraw )


NPC Buffer:

- You can get all kinds of Buffs from the NPC BUFFER.( And Scheme buffs )


Gm Shop:

The Gm-Shop can sell you any item.




Clan Manager:

- You Can Make Your Clan LvL 8 & 3.000.000 Clan Rep.


Noblesse Trader:

- Nobl Status With 1 Click.


Class Change:

Change your three classes by one click each.



- Safe Farming Zone:  Adena.


- Farming Zone 1: Drop Coin of Luck & Adena.

- Farming Zone 2: Drop Coin of Luck & Adena.

- Farming Zone 3: Drop Coin of Luck & Adena.


- Special Farm Zone ( With Party ): Drop 2.000 Festival Adena. ( For Clan LvL 8 & 3.000.000 Clan Rep. )



Custom Items:

- Raid Boss Jewls.

- Tattoos Only P.deff.

- Life Stone





- TvT Event.

Mix Players 10.

Reward: 1 Hight Life Stone And 50 Coin.


- Death Match.

Mix Players 10.

Reward: 1 Hight Life Stone And 50 Coin.


- Capture the Flag.

Mix Players 10.

Reward: 1 Hight Life Stone And 50 Coin.




- Heroes Every 1 Week.

- 1 Mob 79 lvl.

- Buff Slots 48.

- Geodata.

- Pathnodes.

- Class Change: Change your three classes by one click each.

- Sieges: You can register your clan to siege any castle and any fort. We have weekly castles' siege.

- Clan Halls: You can rent any clan hall in l2 world. get special buffs and decorate your clan hall.

- Subclass: 4 subclasses allowed.


Dedicated Server Info: ( for now ) Intel® Core™ i7-920 (quadcore)

RAM:  Ram 8 GB DDR3

HD: 2 x 750GB SATA II  (Software RAID 1)

Traffic: Unmetered*

Network availability:  99%

For More Info Plis Visit To Our Site:

L][NoName Web Site


It's Not Mine!!!


This Is Mine POST!!!!

Nevermind , if it is your own server... tell to a higher up to close other topic


EDIT: Any Idea why i can't log in?


another fail server-hard farm


Yes, It's Hard Farm For Newbies In Lineage II Game!!!!


i see you removed the costums,good for you. Good Luck :)


Tnx You!



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