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[Help] Pets dont hit Characters



Hi, i need some help here.

Tryskell tryed to explain me that but i dont understand it so much :S

I need help to make the pets dont hit the players.

I think something like:


if L2Character,
  pet can hit=false;

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if L2Character,
 pet can hit=false;

this i will tell you is just an example: you need something like:

boolean canhit = false
if (this instanceof L2PetInstance)
canhit = false;

if (!x.canhit)


Now, where to add them i can't tell you i dont have eclipse to explain you now. but that's the way i think

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if L2Character,
 pet can hit=false;

this i will tell you is just an example: you need something like:

boolean canhit = false
if (this instanceof L2PetInstance)
canhit = false;

if (!x.canhit)


Now, where to add them i can't tell you i dont have eclipse to explain you now. but that's the way i think


<______________________________< It's not really better than FFs "idea code".



RequestActionUse clientpacket, search for case 22: // Attack (pet attack)


You got the whole code about the "green attack button" from pet panel.


The 3 useful variables are pet, activeChar and target. There are already many checks in this part of code you can compare and code your idea using it.

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Thanx, my friend Rizel helped me and it works with this code:

		if(this instanceof L2PetInstance && target instanceof L2PcInstance)


But now i need pets dont hit with skills.

How i do that or where i put this code?

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