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Ok, enough.


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Take a look of my karma and read what i wrote on psomas topic. Also ban this guy from playing with karma as you did to others. He only making wars etc.

Btw He insulted me like 4 times and I only called him "aaaa poor kid"

Karma is not a toy. Clearly abuse on me coz he don't like me.

I need karma restore ofc and ban this guy for been such a jerk on topics.

+All his post, at least the last 50 are insults to members on topics. Check them if you did not notice it.


Since you said my karma log is only abuses... Let me check your with proofs :)



2 abuses. Warned.


width=1024 height=105http://www.aedes.us/i8/4dzI3.png[/img]


width=1024 height=228http://www.aedes.us/i8/QhKcL.png[/img]





Have a nice day.

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Dude, you constantly dekarma people and when you get dekarma'd yourself you suck the staffs cock to get it restored. You are the type that doesn't deserve to be on this forum as you NEVER post anything other than greek kiddy spam.



Also i think you're the one that started the flame war ... right? Just you and your idiot GR buddies decide to flame at any given moment.

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Recent? No. You called me a monkey, as did your stupid friend. You deserve to be banned for racial hatred


You see them? ALL of them apart from xDrac are for real reasons, just check them in the topics. 100% of yours are karma abuse.

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I agree, Psomas2 was offereing free coding and real contributes to the forum when Simmo started flaming and talking bullshit without any reason. I suggest ban, it's not the first time he did this.


Topic: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=213920.0

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I agree, Psomas2 was offereing free coding and real contributes to the forum when Simmo started flaming and talking bullshit without any reason. I suggest ban, it's not the first time he did this.


Topic: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=213920.0


Loool BBan is just mad that his failed shit gets nowhere.


edit: Oh! another thing. This guy (BBanhammer aka James L2M aka Shadowalker aka Haden) is just real mad at the moment because I deprived him of 50e here.


smelling bans


Nobody gets banned from here dude :D these Griks just break the rules constantly and then cry when the situation doesn't go their way.

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these Griks just break the rules constantly and then cry when the situation doesn't go their way.

My 2 cents?


btw Vazelos the karma abuses are like ancient, and u have done more(especially so old, like these u show at first post)


I can't take any actions here anyway, wait for a Global.

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Nobody gets banned from here dude :D these Griks just break the rules constantly and then cry when the situation doesn't go their way.

i am not so sure.. just w8 Raule to COme.. ore WsT :))
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