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Mob Counting System

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1. Presentation.

2. Description.

3. Fixes.

4. Todo list.

5. Downloading.


1. Hello, so I created Monster Counting System.

This system is working like PvP kills but 1 different it's counting points from monsters not from players. With command you can see how many points you have :).


2. This system is counting killed monsters count.


3. Beta v2:

1. Added anti feed, if player Level is bigger than 3 he doesn't get Mob Count (There are config to change limit from 3 to 15 or how many you want).

2. Created Npc instance (L2MobCount).

2.1. In that Npc there are 4 buttons:

Top, Aden Convert, Item Convert and Special Buffer.

2.2. For tops there are couple configs:

First config are turn on/off tops. (Dissapear/reapear button) and there are second config to configure top limit.

2.3. For Aden Convert there are couple config too:

First config are turn on/off Aden Convert. (Dissapear/reapear button) and there are second config to configure how many aden do you can get from 1 Mob Count.

2.4. For Item Convert there are couple config too:

First config are turn on/off Item Convert. (Dissapear/reapear button) and there are second config to configure that and how much you will get from 1 Mob Count, example:

If you write config like this:

MobCountItemId = 57,9;6636,3;60,20

It will work like this:

Take 1 Mob Count and give 9 Aden, 3 itemId(6636) and 20 itemId(60)

2.5. For buffer there are only 1 config: turn on/off Special Buffer. (Dissapear/reapear button). But he have hes own Html file and Database table, I will show you something:

Html code, COV +15 Decrease Penalty buff:

<table bgcolor=131210>
<td width=40><button action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Buff 1363" width=32 height=32 back="icon.skill1363" fore="icon.skill1363"></td>
<td width=240>
<table width=240>
<tr><td>Victory Chant <font color=a1a1a1>Lv</font> <font color=ae9977>1</font> <font color="FFD700">+15 Decrease P.</font></td></tr>
<tr><td><font color=b0bccc>A powerful spirit acts</font></td></tr>

In this place:

bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Buff 1363

1363 will be in mc_npc_buffer table, BuffGroup column, in that column write what ever you want number, but it can't duplicate!

NpcId we write correct Npc Id from where you wan't to buff your self.

SkillId we write correct skill (buff) id.

SkillLevel we write correct skill (buff) level.

skill_fee_amount we write how many player must give MobCount what he can buy buff.



<tr><td>Victory Chant <font color=a1a1a1>Lv</font> <font color=ae9977>1</font> <font color="FFD700">+15 Decrease P.</font></td></tr>
<tr><td><font color=b0bccc>A powerful spirit acts</font></td></tr>


Skill name and description




back="icon.skill1363" fore="icon.skill1363"


Skill image change only ID.

3. When you add that all script into your server in all town next to GateKeeper will be Npc with id - 37546. If you don't need him you can delete him. If you have already added all that script and you wan't to delete all npcs just change:

AllowMobCount = True

From true we change to false, when false after restart all npc will be despawned (but all Mob Counting system don't work) and if you change from false to true all Npc what had L2MobCountInstance will respawn.


Beta v1:

3.1. Created system.

3.2. Added .mobcount command. With this command you can see how many points you have.

3.3. Added //setmobcount<value> admin command. With this command you can edit players points.


4. Beta v3 will be:

4.1. Command Buying.

4.2. Couple new commands.

4.2. Premium (with premium your drop will be x2. Time limit will be in Beta v3 or Beta v4).


5. Beta v2

Core - Download

DataPack - Download

Beta v1

Core - Download

DataPack - Download


Credits: Erlandys


Btw, sorry for bad english I'am from lithuania :/

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Thank you all for all those good words!! :)

In couple days I think I gonna release new Event. (Running Event) :)

And after that I will share 3 revision of Mob Counting :))

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Thank you all for all those good words!! :)

In couple days I think I gonna release new Event. (Running Event) :)

And after that I will share 3 revision of Mob Counting :))

hehe glad to hear this ! ;)


Keep Working ...


BTW Nice Share ..!

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