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Have u ever tried vayne+caitlyn in the same lane both with stark's fervor? the lifesteal ratio is so high that there is no way to die ....


It sucks cause they'll have to fight for last hits. Also, why not do the classic? AD + Support. They never die.


It sucks cause they'll have to fight for last hits. Also, why not do the classic? AD + Support. They never die.


have u tried it before u reply? and yes i did tried ad + support but u cant always have good supports in your team (i mean not feeding , not last hitting doing their job properly i think u get my point)

have u ever tried having 2 ad champions in your team with 2 starks fervor? let me just tell u that even champions like "veigar" will leach like 50 hp per normal hit (i set veigar as an example cuz u rarely play with normal hits)

(cait+vayne were examples its true about minions though they can push and make enemy champions stay back all the time losing xp and gold, also note that vayne has great mobility while cait has great range which makes her a supreme pusher , a combo of these two owns , i ve tried this by myself)

im sory for this long reply and im sorry for going off topic :(


Have u ever tried vayne+caitlyn in the same lane both with stark's fervor? the lifesteal ratio is so high that there is no way to die ....


AD Carry = Needs the most farm


You can't have 2 especially on the same lane.


AD Carry = Needs the most farm


You can't have 2 especially on the same lane.


Also 2 AD carries in the same lane means that support goes to a solo lane. Can't imagine Sona vs Irelia :D


Also 2 AD carries in the same lane means that support goes to a solo lane. Can't imagine Sona vs Irelia :D




Also 2 AD carries in the same lane means that support goes to a solo lane. Can't imagine Sona vs Irelia :D

yes i said what if u dont have support ,anyway it worked for me most of the times i used it , and i use it on premade ranked games and dont say it im 1435 elo, so it was not vs hell elo noobs

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