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[Freya] L2Zen.com | Auto Events | Balanced Classes | CTF | DM | MR | TvT

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We just opened today July 1st!! Come join us in our newly updated server with many new features with 100s online now!


(Dedicated server host with 100 MB/s Connection) No lag!





XP: 250x

SP: 250x

Adena: 500x





-Max: 30

-Safe: 5

-Rate (Normal Scroll): 66%

-Rate (Blessed Scroll): 100%





.xpon .xpoff to Enable/Disable XP gain.

Type .cl to teleport to your clan leader.


.deposit .withdraw






-Event every 2 hours.

-Capture The Flag

-Team vs. Team

-Death Match

-Town War event

-Last Hero

-Monster Rush

-Hide and Seek

-Earn fame from events!





-Global Gatekeeper

-Scheme Buffer

-GM Shop

-Currency Exchanger

-Tattoo Trader

-Raid Status






-Max 5 subclasses

-Clan Leader name color

-PvP Title color change system

-Bot Report enabled

-Hopzone Vote Reward

-Geodata Enabled

-Ingame Raid Boss Status NPC

-Low level PK Protection

-Wedding System

-Banking System

-Offline Trade System

-Announce PK/PVP

-L2 Day



Leveling Grounds


- Parnassus (1-25

- Newbie Grounds (25-80)

- Isle of Prayer (80-85)

- Chromatic Highlands (80-85)

- Wild Beast Reserve (80-85)

- Valley of Saints (85+)

- Seed of Destruction (85+)





-15 levels of Tattoos

-15 levels of Cloaks

-10 levels of Bracelets



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