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[help]litle help with a code



Ok hello all, i have made an npc instance showing top online players for example[top 10].

So for example i want those 10 or the frist 4 of them for example to make them setHero(true); //example.

But how will i store these 4 or 10 to an l2pcinstance object? for example if i wanted for the whole players online it would be:

for(L2PcInstance p:L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers())



So, how will i do this ? :/

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You could do that with a simple SQL query. I don't remember the correct field names from the top of my head right now, but it would look something like

 UPDATE characters SET isHero=True WHERE char_name IN (SELECT char_name FROM characters ORDER BY onlinetime DESC LIMIT 4);

Mix that with a bit of java or python so that the players wouldn't need to relog to actually become heroes or you can just run the query when the server is off for maintenance.

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If i understood you right, you want top 4 players in online time to be hero

Here it is:

Make a method in enterworld or somewhere that would look something like that:

private static void haveFun(L2PcInstance player){
	Connection con = null;
		con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
		PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name FROM characters ORDER BY onlinetime DESC LIMIT 4 where char_name = "+ player.getName());
		ResultSet chars = statement.executeQuery();
	catch (Exception e)

and write at main method in enterworld this: haveFun(activeChar);


I didnt test it and i was writing it mainly at this textbox so i cant quarante that it will work, hf :)

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If i understood you right, you want top 4 players in online time to be hero

Here it is:

Make a method in enterworld or somewhere that would look something like that:

private static void haveFun(L2PcInstance player){
	Connection con = null;
		con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
		PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name FROM characters ORDER BY onlinetime DESC LIMIT 4 where char_name = "+ player.getName());
		ResultSet chars = statement.executeQuery();
	catch (Exception e)

and write at main method in enterworld this: haveFun(activeChar);


I didnt test it and i was writing it mainly at this textbox so i cant quarante that it will work, hf :)

no errors but doesn't work
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It depends entirely of the idea. If it's only related to pvp or existing infos, it can be made from existing data. If you have to store players because you can't rely on infos, you need another table.


Vampir idea is fine, but the query is wrong (+ the query columns names depends of chronicle aswell). My query is surely wrong too lol, but you got main idea.


"SELECT objId FROM characters ORDER BY pvpkills DESC LIMIT 4"


Goal is first to take the best "pvpers/pkers/whatever", then store them in a list then use this list in EnterWorld ==> if list.objId == player.objId then  setHero(true).


List will be initialized at server load, and updated on a daily base using a task.

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i tried this but no work

private static void haveFun(L2PcInstance player) throws SQLException{
	Connection con = null;
		con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
		PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT obj_Id FROM characters ORDER BY pvpkills DESC LIMIT 4");
		ResultSet chars = statement.executeQuery();
		long obj = chars.getLong("obj_Id");
		if(obj== player.getObjectId()){
			player.sendMessage("TOP PVP");
	catch (Exception e)

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yeah just realized that limit 4 is not working as i thought, so code would be something like that:

private static void haveFun(L2PcInstance player) throws SQLException{
	Connection con = null;
		con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
		PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT obj_Id FROM characters ORDER BY pvpkills DESC LIMIT 4");
		ResultSet chars = statement.executeQuery();
                               long obj = chars.getLong("obj_Id");
		       if(obj == player.getObjectId()){
			     player.sendMessage("TOP PVP");
	catch (Exception e)

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