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Hi. If you're looking for an feature, quest, event, fixes or rework of any part of L2J based server - Im at your service. I do not copy/paste code found on forums. All is work of experienced dev. Examples of my work:

- calendarium server expansion:

  - full control over how fast time will flow on your server, with option to sync with real time.

  - after setting up "starting world date", your server will count days, month, years, with option to mark special events that happened, and browse them ingame through calendar viewer, to keep world history.

  - you will gain ability to control aspects of your world, by the current date, eg: you can set certain mobs to have different stats in first 4 months of the year etc. Or control player stats by race, level, pvp count...

  - and so on...

- unified zone manager: rework of ZoneManager and InstanceManager plus addition of special Universe class (FULL h5 oly arenas support included, if your server is based on l2jproject h5 beta, but thats only very small part of the whole thing...)

- extensive rework of packet management and broadcasting. Not only to eliminate any kind of visual bugs, probably troubling all l2j forks, but also to reduce network traffic and increase game perfomance

- physics support:

  - ability to control how items will effect other things, on for example collision.

  - predefined template includes:

    - frag explosive alike item, that when thrown, will blow everything around.

    - sample knives, that when thrown eg. at mob, could wound or even kill

    - accuracy and collision recording: you can for example make your own, new kind of even, where thse who will hit eg. moving mob, more precise, will get more score

  - and so on...

- templated htm builder with framework for making nice htmls eg. width droplists, user panel etc... supporting also custom images server side, that will be displayed by all clients, and with no client modding what so ever (up to 256x256 pixels)


Also anticheat, antifeed, bot protection, multibox protection, forums, auctions, network interface for gameservers or loginservers to get live view of any aspect of running server, and use them eg. on your server's web page, donation npc's with not only very customisable item sale, but also such features like live currency exchange calculation for item prices (loaded from internet business sites on server boot) - so your players see how much thing cost in eg USD, EUR or PLN.


And more.

MSN: deedlit@lineage2-4fun.cc


PS. Also - I can make you whatever you will imagine to have on your server (ofc. within boudaries of what game client supports).

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