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I installed it properly yet the game crashes on launch.

It worked fine b4 I used the L2GOD.exe


/agree , is not working ...



OS : Windows7(32) 6.1 (Build: 7601)

CPU : GenuineIntel  Intel® Core i3 CPU        550  @ 3.20GHz @ 3200 MHz 3959MB RAM

Video : NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 (6089)

PosCode : ###########


General protection fault!


History: GFxFlashObj::GFxFlashObj[0] <- GFxUIManager::Load[0] <- GFxFlashWnd::InitFlash[0] <- GFxFlashWnd::ShowWindow[0] <- UGFxUIScript::execShowWindow[0] <- UObject::ProcessEvent[0] <- (LogInMenu Transient.LogInMenu, Function Interface.LogInMenu.OnEvent)[0] <- GFxUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent[0] <- ID:5630, param:[0] <- ExecuteUIEvent[0] <- UILoginState::OnEnter[0] <- UIGameStateManager::SetState[0] <- NConsoleWnd::Initialize[0] <- NConsoleWnd::Init[0] <- UGameEngine::InitConsole[0] <- UGameEngine::Init[0] <- InitEngine[0]




System is ready,not yet uploaded, we are under HEAVY DDoS right now, we announce our ISP

Faster catch ip who ddosing :/


Faster catch ip who ddosing :/

Patch added to "How to connect" section.

Server ON, but is under ddos






select direct download


Damn the ddos....I can't get past server select screen. I wish you guys would get the forums working/unblock people from forums so we don't spam on this post.

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