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About this rule. #2


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For that is called "Dev HELP" and we can help them. Just remove that stupid rule.


Thanks, have a good night.

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I don't get it.

What's your problem pal? :$



I agree...It's more than silly..Not all of us use l2j.

failed rule is failed.

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It's not.


Take an example,if ..vazelos start a project,copy paste codes from mxc into his project,adding badcoded customs all the time etc.

So this pack will have a lot of messes,why we should support any guy's project that wants to start one for fun or to impress newbies etc?

The newbies will find every time problems because of noobs devs.We won't solve the problems for noob devs.


So we support the cleaned ones,simply.

L2jserver stopped yeah long time ago,but it is from the most clean and retail.

Same for l2jfree and same for l2aCis which is going very well.

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