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  On 7/20/2011 at 11:44 AM, Gavron said:

You can join now and test the beta server..:)


Yeah, even though we are still working on it and making final preparation for the opening which is after 2 days.


Its features our new Gracia Final OFF Server x25



Rates 25x

- All Gracia Final retail features

- All buffs (including songs/dances) from 1st and 2nd class available in npc buffer

- All buffs from buffer npc got 1 hour time

- Scheme Buffer (customizable buff list for character + summon for each subclass)

- Spawn Protection with cool visual effect (works only when player teleports from a peace zone)

- All items up to A grade available in Item Shops (S+ grade items available for pvp points / normal crafting / custom material exchange)

- Max weapon enchant set to 16

- Max armor enchant set to 10

- Auto Loot working with all party types

- Custom commands to disable/enable ability to gain exp

- PvP Sytem (each time you kill someone that match requirements, you'll get +1 pvp point)

- Offline Shop System

- No clan penalties

- Class Change Npc

- Teleport Npc

- DeLevel Npc

- Custom events

- Bot protection

- Game balance addon (50% less dmg to RaidBosses from Frenzy users)

- Flexible administration



But remember at Friday (22/07/2011) we open Interlude x666.


Visit our forum: http://forum.l2-certus.com/


  On 7/20/2011 at 10:09 PM, AndRewu said:

there will be the same rate like beta server on adena ??

i mean 50kk per mob ?


Which mob gave you 50kk?



After beta,wipe? :D


Yes, of course.


There are 3 Custom Raid Bosses with 24 h ( +/- 1 hour ) respawn time

ring.jpg  ringmap.jpg

Drop list : Queen Ant Ring, Baium Ring, Core Ring, Certus Gold Coin.

earring.jpg  earringmap.jpg

Drop list : Zaken Earring, Antharas Earring,Orfen Earring, Certus Fold Coin.

necklace.jpg  necklacemap.jpg

Drop list : Necklace of Valakas, Frintezza Necklace, Certus Gold Coin.

  On 7/21/2011 at 9:08 PM, OldMemories said:

And will those custom Raidbosses be spawned from day one or is there a set spawning date for them?

+1 from day 1 they will be introduced later ?

btw what about enchants.. it will be like the old one +10 for the first 3 days and then ++++ ?



Drop list : Zaken Earring, Antharas Earring,Orfen Earring, Certus Fold Coin.
i believe u meant gold ;)
  On 7/21/2011 at 11:31 PM, fuers said:

+1 from day 1 they will be introduced later ?



They will probably be there from the first day, we still discuss it tho.

What did you mean by this :

btw what about enchants.. it will be like the old one +10 for the first 3 days and then ++++ ?
  On 7/22/2011 at 6:17 AM, Sutherland said:

They will probably be there from the first day, we still discuss it tho.

What did you mean by this :


He meant, will the max enchant be set to +10 for the first 3 days? and then after those 3 days the planned max enchant will be used.


The epic bosses will be alive from the moment we launch. Don't worry, it will take some time to be killed. They will be hard for unequiped people. Organization, equipment and team play are the needed qualities to kill one of the epic bosses.

  On 7/22/2011 at 8:45 AM, OldMemories said:

He meant, will the max enchant be set to +10 for the first 3 days? and then after those 3 days the planned max enchant will be used.


No, we won't make such "tricks"

btw what about enchants.. it will be like the old one +10 for the first 3 days and then ++++ ?


last time many left server by changing max enchant , so i prefer too to set unlimited at start


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