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i dont know if anyone else found this but i laughed so hard with it  check it out  http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/690/24753717767713895681116.jpg/

lololol nice :3

OMg look gp score!

maybe he penta them, i wasnt checking the game..
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hotshotgg played ap trynd 2 days ago

why not ap olaf? x)


I guess your kiddin me :)

btw you made that score with amumu on ranked matches or normal ?

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no he played hybrid tryndamere actually

and he flamed all team, he was trollling em to make fun cause elo reset in some days

each time he was dying he was shouting at livestream

"SEE THESE noobs"

or -beep-ing lucker etc.. was rly funy to watch him :D


Thats something else :)

I saw aAa MoMa doing the same thing like hotshotgg (Trolling morons) and i was like WTF? troll birthdays day? :))

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also see this

its after ap trynd rage hahahahah


Yeah i think i remember that match (With tryn ap)

Btw A friend request from SuckShotGG. :)))))

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Gold per 5 nerf

Malzahar nerf

Nunu nerf

GP boost

TF ulti nerf





no seriously now , retarted changes.

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lol why?

gold/5 are so op items, a new meta is based on em


malz should have been nerfed years ago

gp shouldnt have been nerfed at all


I loved gold per sec items , they were so good for support :<


About gp , his remake wasn't exactly a nerf , it was a remake. He can do a way better jungle now and he is more useful generally that before , his [E] is very good for ganking and for teamfights since he doesn't need to deny anymore , but people were used to old GP and they think he got nerfed.


About Malz , well i wouldn't exactly call him op , still he has no escape ability plus he is based on a combo (W/E/R) which gets destroyed on end-game by QSS , dunno i found him ok to be honest..


But i really loved that nerf on Trynd's [E] , he will need rage to use it not free anymore :3

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this patch is gonna 500megabite lol


i think with this patch season 2 beggins

no off season?:S


Dunno dude , dunno but it won't be so big in mbits relax ;P

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