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Won 3 games with chyba,premade bot,and lost one cuz our retarded in top lane got caught 3 times with full vision,aw didnt deserve to win.


Yday i saw a diamond Diana jungle with berseker boots. EAST OP MENG0Z

sometimes when i jjngle diana or jayce or jax i play with berz

sometimes when i jjngle diana or jayce or jax i play with berz


can undersand the other,but not diana. He got atk speed runes and 21/9 masteries on AP. EAST logic


dont go retard mode all the time


also because you are a bad player that fails in EUW doesnt make you good player

who told u that im a bad player that i fail on EUW? Start playing euw and u ll see the difference.


i ve played on euw before you even started playing lol


its getting annoying that you include in every single post you make "euw>eune"

ofc u played before i start,since i start before 6 months 8)



better now?


Whats your division on east after so many years?


my division is not your bussiness lol



its your personal opinion that , "eune's players are bad", its k, but dont repeat yourself in every single post you make


im gonna watch pentakill.gr vs greek 5,let me laugh pls )) afk

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