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elo system is just fine, somehow


some guys should be even lower in elo, while some others should be kinda lower, but whatever(talking about luckers, that climb elo by getting good teams that carry them :/ )

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The only solo q issue that bothers me is flammers. I don't give a fuck about leavers, feeders and trolls, unless I'm really pissed from other things that day.


Flammers -> You can't do anything but ignore which can destroy team communication, that is very crucial at solo Q. Also, they make your team's morale fall which is always a bad thing.


Leavers -> Happens. This time he was in your team, next time in the enemy team. Doesn't happen as often anyway.


Trolls -> Everyone gets drunk, high, desperate or bored from time to time. Happens extremely rarely in rankeds.


"Feeders" -> A stupid term I never like to use, but well. If someone feeds, it doesn't necessarily mean that he is bad. He is possibly having a terrible game. Since he is in your team, it means that he belongs to about the same level as you, unless he is an overcarried lucky bastard that will soon drop to his normal elo.



Also, if you guys think that higher ratings are better then you are so wrong. More rating = more ego, so I guess you understand.

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