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i am at 1060 elo omfgggggggg -beep-ing idiots -beep-ing noob teams i hope all noobs and trolls die from aids -beep- off


The only thing that you can do is before join the game speak with the other nabs decide pos and if you have good team stay if not leave...

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The only thing that you can do is before join the game speak with the other nabs decide pos and if you have good team stay if not leave...

before i won a game with ashe.at start i had 1/3 because i was angry with my team.and i end the match with 21/9 and quadra kill.


kayle is so op at top

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Shut up ELO camper , and get better. This is my true elo , and I wont camp like you, LOW. Get Dask to play more games with your account.

you are clueless, and ppl who have seen us playing know that better. Also, in my normals I constantly face 1600+ enemies
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