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League Of Legends Random Topic!

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#1 Topic at MxC


Edited by Gregor
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I once saw a tribunal case with a Lee Sin (The Blind Monk) telling to his teammate "Are you fucking blind?". Dunno for you but perisonally I giggled.

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I once saw a tribunal case with a Lee Sin (The Blind Monk) telling to his teammate "Are you fucking blind?". Dunno for you but perisonally I giggled.

if you read more tribunal cases

u gonna lol so hard

some fo em are so epic

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if you read more tribunal cases

u gonna lol so hard

some fo em are so epic


I remember another one with a retard calling everyone a "nazi".


"That stupid nazi kat has a fail build lol"


"Don't feed nazi poppy omg"


"I died to nazi nocturne cause you fed him noobs"


etc xD

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I once saw a tribunal case with a Lee Sin (The Blind Monk) telling to his teammate "Are you fucking blind?". Dunno for you but perisonally I giggled.


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hey i need to apologize to corki...til now i thought he sucked hard cuz last time he was free i fed with 1 game with him!!! i heavily kicked asses 17-3-13 on a ranked! corkiiiiii forgive me :D

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you part of elo hell

i've already saw many guys like you with high elo

im used to it now..


the one who is "used" on elo system and ranked games people its me.

i got like 2,5 times more game than you do.


PS:Dont get mad cause your e penis aint that high.

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