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Well I think that Mxc need a cleaning of useless boards and make new etc ...for example a board Named Pragraming will be a nice idea for me... There we will request all it has to do with programs and share programs etc.. dont know.....


Then all topic's that there are sticky(mean topics with collection shares)  and the authors are inactive must be updated...


for example this topic  http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105735.0


« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 04:46:53 PM by ExTrEmEDwarf »


If any moderator dont have the time to update this Topics the some1 have to do it ;) ..!


Hope some1 take this topic into consideration...Thanks in advance


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@about topic we will take care of it,soon :) .


That sounds good..

We are not obligated to edit all AIOs in the boards.

But we should edit them, if someone give us the topics to add


so any1 who want to add his topic must pm you and you will add it ?:S

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Or make a topic in this section


ok Understand


[GR]Γιατι οχι να μην προστεθεί ενα νεο Rule σε ολα τα [GR] sections ωστε ολοι οι ελληνες να μην μιλανε με Greeklish...?εχω δει σε πολλα forum διαφορετικου ειδους να το κανουνε και μου αρεσε πολυ...!Οσο και αν με βολεβουν τα greeklish προσπαθω να τα σταματισω( με αφορμη και το σποτ του Κανακι)


Νομιζω θα ειναι κατι καλο..

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Soz for greek :D


[GR]Με το post του κανακη;



τελοσπαντων, αν ητανε , επρεπε να μπει global rule


αλλα δεν εχω ορεξη να κανω dekarma το μισο forum :D

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Soz for greek :D


[GR]Με το post του κανακη;



τελοσπαντων, αν ητανε , επρεπε να μπει global rule


αλλα δεν εχω ορεξη να κανω dekarma το μισο forum :D


[GR] σποτ λεω οχι ποστ... σποτ = διαφημιστικο βιντεακι :D



Anyway Παντως καλο θα ητανε...

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Well,we are discussing and suggesting all the time.

I hope that changes will be made soon so the forum starts getting better 'n' better.


@Finito, get real, it IS your responsibility to check the topics and the AIO's since you're a staffer.

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Well,we are discussing and suggesting all the time.

I hope that changes will be made soon so the forum starts getting better 'n' better.



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