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L2 Matrix Version 1.26b


This version is only for RPG Club Server.There will be minor patches for other servers too.


You can me at L2matrixl2@hotmail.com for any server you want and if/when i have the time i will check it.



1. Installing under Windows 7/Windows Vista



If you have Windows 7 or Vista there might be a conflict with the log in.Be patient and after some tries you will log in.Don't spam me if you can't log in, im already working to solve this issue so Windows 7/Vista users wont have any problem.


2. Known Issues



There might be a bug with characters that haven't complete their first class quest.Try logging with a char that is at least lvl 20 and has done their first class change quest if you have any problems with log in.


If you have Ip mask Enabled at your account settings, you have to remove it in order bot to work.


Alway use the "Hipe Ip" parameter in order to be possitive that you will be undetectable.


Emulation mode is only to check how is the interface, BOT ISNT WORKING IN THAT MODE.Use it to get familiar with the interface and your spells (Safe for your main classes if you are new to this)


Auto pick option will be fixed soon to select what items you want to pick up.


It's not tracable because it's working with macros and vbl varriables but always be aware with in game reports.


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