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[Info]Good Tanks and their pros & cons

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- Great Initiator if he's got Flash

- Awesome roamer/ganker

- Can babysit carries with his heals and disables

- Can even benefit from enemy Banshee's Veils by breaking it with his W and not knocking them back giving him the opportunity to easily land Q

- Excellent tower tanker with his ult

- Can jungle




- His Q has a very small aoe range

- Can't kill dragon fast if he jungle, nor jungle very fast

- His heal is pretty weak

- Long cooldowns








- Awesome initiator

- Fast jungler

- Good ganker

- His W is great for killing Nashor/Dragon/tanky champions faster

- Can help his team's AP carries deal more damage with his passive

- Can set up an AoE rapefest thanks to his ult, if followed by champions like Kennen, MF, Sona, Nunu etc




- Terrible laner

- Mana thirsty

- Cooldown issues at early game








- Great solo laner

- Great jungler

- Awesome initiator

- Counters AD teams

- Deals decent damage even if built full tank

- Can set up an AoE rapefest thanks to his ult, if followed by champions like Kennen, MF, Sona, Nunu etc




- No good disables apart from his ulti.

- Mediocre ganker without his ult up

- His ult has a few chances of totally failing.

- Hardly countered by Banshee's Veil









- Can initiate decently with his root

- Can support his whole team and deal some damage in team fights with his ult

- Spammable aoe disrupt (Q)

- Can scout with his E

- Good laner




- No special aoe disables

- Mediocre jungler








- Fast jungler

- Great Ganker

- Great initiator

- Awesome turret tanker/destroyer

- Spammable aoe disrupt (Q)

- Counters AD teams

- Can out-position champions like Kennen with his taunt.

- 3 sec taunt if the enemies' got 0 Tenacity

- Good chaser/escaper




- Very weak without his W on.

- No special aoe disables

- Hardly countered by Banshee's Veil








- Great solo laner. Can harass/heal with his Q, manage damage with his W and aid ganks with his E.

- Best anti-gank champion in the game thanks to his life-saving global ult.

- Can jungle

- AoE taunt




- Slow jungler

- Mediocre initiator

- Probably the hardest tank to master








- Great initiator

- His speed is like over 9000

- Great pusher

- Can deal some cool damage, while being tanky

- Can gain health for building mana, so he benefits from items like Frozen Heart even more than other tanks

- Impossible to chase

- One of the strongest slows in the game




- Terrible early game

- Hardly counter by Banshee's Veil, Zilean and Morgana

- Long cooldowns

- No special aoe disables.






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Amumu is the best one. Jungler/Ganker and very good disables.


For me Shen is the best one, but sucks at initiating, so you need someone else to do that for you. Someone like Ashe, Malph or tanky built xin...

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Ashe for the win ;)


She's one of the best initiators in the game, cause she can force the enemies to fight even if they are disadvantaged.

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After the huge boost of singed, he is clearly the best tank.

Well , he got VERY BIG dmg with his poison. Slow , fling ulti that makes you run like you got fire in your pants. So i can agree with that.!

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Well , he got VERY BIG dmg with his poison. Slow , fling ulti that makes you run like you got fire in your pants. So i can agree with that.!

If we were looking for a DoT mage , we would choose Swain.



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