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Hello ,


I'm advertising my self about Game Master Application.

It will say that I'm looking for a spot there I can be

a part of staff. I'll begin with writing about my self and my knowledge.




My name is Artur and I'm living in Sweden. I can speak three languages

Swedish,English and polish. I'm still studying and I'll work as a guy that sells

for example houses and stuff like that. I'm a guy that you can work with in a team

and it doesn't matter what situations it is , I'll still be there for help. I got

such a nice humor you can talk with me and laugh/cry at the same time. I show

loads of respect for staff and not only for all the people over the world , its like that

if you don't respect people you won't get respected and if people doesn't respect me

I won't respect them. I'm a guy that always want'ed to work not to play or have fun

I wan't to create for people things by myself thats why I wan't to become Game Master.

Developer is not my thingy or it depends couse I can few languages like html,

php and java so l2off platforms won't get so much help from me just java servers.

My hobby is to code/design websites and forums and create own server ( but l2 is slowly dying

so I would like to help someone instead of developing own server). I was leader for a long time

in my lineage 2 history that explains one thing that I tried to tell you how I'm , I'm a guy

that likes to lead something and help out people.

Thats everything about my self if you have more questions then you're free to ask.



[Lineage 2 Experience]


I play lineage 2 since c4 came out , about 4-5 years something like that.

I played loads of servers so I won't mention them but one of my best server

was L2-forever.My knowledge about Lineage 2 is very high. As I said

in personality part , I can create own l2j server. I've got even experience

in Html and php language. I cannot code a site but edit it include css.

Forum is not a hard thing just install a smf, or vbulletin forum , and

code own forum theme install some mods fix some errors and done. I said before

that I cannot l2off platforms language but l2j is not a problem I could help

you with fixing npcs,skills,some errors,client almost everything except the core side

(eclipse).I got Photoshop but I'm not so good with it but I could try to make some

art stuff for server. I was GM before to let you know in a l2off server.


Thats everything about my experience more questions? feel free to ask.


[What I'm Looking for]


* Staff that speaks any of my languages

* Serious project with hoster and domain.


Thats everything I don't have so much requirements for you.


[What you get from me]


* First of all you don't have to pay for me

(I'm doing it for free couse this is what I like to do)

* You got from me the most important things , Respect

Fun, Follower of orders , best work as I can do and trust.



[Extra Information]


I've got an idea to increase my work and maybe server population

I could make forums (smf) forums for clans that're playing

in server with over 15 members online daily.


[ Last Part why you should pick me]

* You wan't a guy to not worry about , then you're safe and here I'm

* You wan't a guy that will work as hard as he can ? then here I'm

* You wan't a guy who respect the staff? then here I'm

* You wan't a guy to help you with everything that I can? then here I'm

* You wan't a guy that will follow ur orders? then here I'm


[Contact me]




Wow , you're funny guy , I said that I'm looking for a serious project and you said to me that you have a machine and you're going to host it at ur pc and you don't have even domain and ur language is horrible that I have to figure out what you're saying o.O


I was gm before at a l2off server so why should be gm  because I'm bored what the hell men? grown up.

  On 5/21/2011 at 5:11 PM, Assis said:

Wow , you're funny guy , I said that I'm looking for a serious project and you said to me that you have a machine and you're going to host it at ur pc and you don't have even domain and ur language is horrible that I have to figure out what you're saying o.O


I was gm before at a l2off server so why should be gm  because I'm bored what the hell men? grown up.


my domain is prelude.dyndns.tv

my webpage is http://l2prelude.ucoz.com/

my machine is a dual core 8 gb ecc ram and is a server not my personal computer

sorry for my bad english but u dont listened me

"* You wan't a guy who respect the staff? then here I'm"

lol u respect sooo much and u talk soooo friendly and u are sooo charming ... i think that all people want you ass GM



Thats ur message



Hi i readed your post

im looking for a staff

the problem is l2off i have a dual core machine with 8 gb ddr3 cl5 and total conection of 40MB optical fiver i tried my server with 8 players all without any lag (players from rusia me from spain) well i have a dude hown number of player i can support with my conection? aprox.. the Server get 30Mb download and 5Mb upload  i want a little server of old players 50 - 100 players or 500 too if i can support... nown im working in a prelude projet (before c1) if it work mayben then think about c4 - c3 server maybe l2j

i hope that u can solve my dude and more info about my server:




Ι think this is NOT the right way to ask for a GM position


At least, if you wanna be in a serious server, not in a lol one


PS: Change your signature, asap!

  On 5/21/2011 at 5:36 PM, Finito said:

Ι think this is NOT the right way to ask for a GM position


At least, if you wanna be in a serious server, not in a lol one


PS: Change your signature, asap!

yeh, you're right


I'm looking for Gm post as well, I have experience in solving in-game problems and dealing with players in friendly way know my way around the game.

I know how to work on l2j servers DB/DP/Core "Using java/C++/C sharp/web develop/Pro user for Linux,Mac,windows"

I have my own company for designing,developing and maintenance web sites .

I was l2 player for 5 years and stopped playing and started developing servers for a year and half now


-My last program was in-game poker for l2

-I don't know how's that important in anyway but I'm running on 10 Mb connection


**I'm looking only for well paying server for my services... :D

  On 5/23/2011 at 9:50 AM, Olegon said:

I'm looking for Gm post as well, I have experience in solving in-game problems and dealing with players in friendly way know my way around the game.

I know how to work on l2j servers DB/DP/Core "Using java/C++/C sharp/web develop/Pro user for Linux,Mac,windows"

I have my own company for designing,developing and maintenance web sites .

I was l2 player for 5 years and stopped playing and started developing servers for a year and half now


-My last program was in-game poker for l2

-I don't know how's that important in anyway but I'm running on 10 Mb connection


**I'm looking only for well paying server for my services... :D

wow you seem pretty experienced :D


Im looking for a GM position also




Free time:

lots of free time between 7 pm and 2 am GMT -5



Greek and English


What I would do as GM


Ban botters all day long for fun

Hide and Seek events

Watch sieges and make sure no one cheats in oly


prevent corruption.



What I would like in return, nothing im board and have nothing better to do, but I would only GM on a good server, sadly there are no good serves left.... So yea



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