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[Share]Kelin's NPC Buffer - Interlude

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  • 1 month later...

I instaled it just like it's needed.

1. Executed the batch file npc.sql

2. Copied html in data/html/default

3. Copied jscript html files in data/jscrips/quests

4. Copied stats in stats/skills


I restarted the server, i spawned the npc, but when i hit the Buff me button i get this mesage from it....maybe u can help me pls.



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I open my navicat and going to batch npc.sql file and says unsuccefully

what should i do


You have to exebute the SQL manually...Or just find another buffer which suits to your pack ;)

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  • 1 month later...

[Err] 1582 - Duplicate entry '40006' for key 'PRIMARY'

[Err] insert into `npc` (`id`, `idTemplate`, `name`, `serverSideName`, `title`, `serverSideTitle`, `class`, `collision_radius`, `collision_height`, `level`, `sex`, `type`, `attackrange`, `hp`, `mp`, `hpreg`, `mpreg`, `str`, `con`, `dex`, `int`, `wit`, `men`, `exp`, `sp`, `patk`, `pdef`, `matk`, `mdef`, `atkspd`, `aggro`, `matkspd`, `rhand`, `lhand`, `armor`, `walkspd`, `runspd`, `faction_id`, `faction_range`, `isUndead`, `absorb_level`) values('40006','31279','Buff Lord','1','NPC Buffer','1','NPC.a_trader_Fdarkelf','8.00','24.50','70','female','L2Npc','40','3862','1493','13.43','3.09','40','43','30','21','35','10','0','0','1314','470','780','382','278','0','253','0','0','0','80','120','','0','0','0');

[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully



why it says this on all buffers??? ;(

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