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Well, let me explain you the situation ^^.

The format of this command is ".goto [targetname]" and it can be used if [targetname] =/=(is not) gm character, when someone use it, he starts casting a spell(like scroll of escape) and after 20 seconds (by default) the user of the command teleports to the location that the target was before 20 seconds and takes from the user some blood pagrios(i dont remember the exacly name of item) (by default but can be changed ofc, check the file).

There are 2 more commands...

.allowgoto: Enables the usage of this command on you.

.blockgoto: Disables the usage of this command on you.

By default when you login blockgoto is false, so everyone is allowed to teleport on you (exept if you are gm as i told)


Chronicles: L2JServer Freya Last Rev. (it can be used on any chronicle with some small changes)


* Core Side Patch(es):

L2PcInstance.java (Adds the "blockgoto" in order to control it with .blockgoto, .allowgoto commands)


* DP Side Patch(es):

GoToPlayer.java (The voicedcommand handler)

MasterHandler.java (no comments ^^)


Credits: Rizel for the creation and me for adapting it on l2jserver last rev(freya) and adding some more options and fixes.


What i meant is that it is so simple. Actually if you got credits, you only have 0.1%. It's just c/p change imports. :S


fixed an error that was coming up if you was typing .goto without playersname, added allowgoto instead of blockgoto used as allowgoto!

So i can easily get +0.2%, i cant get more, its already perfect :), so 99.7%* credits to Rizel and 0.3% to me, not that bad!


fixed an error that was coming up if you was typing .goto without playersname, added allowgoto instead of blockgoto used as allowgoto!

So i can easily get +0.2%, i cant get more, its already perfect :), so 99.7%* credits to Rizel and 0.3% to me, not that bad!




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