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I would choose tryndamere.


1) He can jungle, poppy cant. (dunno if aecetia tried something, lol)

2) More burst damage than poppy

3) Initiate as well as poppy does

4) More escaping abilities

5) 100 damage reduction at level 13. Do you know wth that means?



Anyway imo, they are both useless if you are going to play against a really good team.


Trynda is easy to counter, he's like Katarina on ulti, disable him and he wont do a shit, nor he will survive. Poppy on other hand is immune to any disable while on ulti, she absorbs cc's(if team is foolish enough to try and stun her), also Poppy's damage is huge, imo she's more useful than Trynda.


I would choose tryndamere.


1) He can jungle, poppy cant. (dunno if aecetia tried something, lol)

2) More burst damage than poppy

3) Initiate as well as poppy does

4) More escaping abilities

5) 100 damage reduction at level 13. Do you know wth that means?



Anyway imo, they are both useless if you are going to play against a really good team.




1) poppy can jungle, not the most effective jungler but it can be done

2) no one has more burst damage than poppy, maybe leblanc

3) if someone can initiate a fight, it's poppy and not trynda

4) trynda can go through walls etc, but poppy can run much faster with W (and you usually take speed boots and/or trinity, so even more speed)

5) enemy carry just gets instagibbed by poppy, who cares about -100 AD if there is no carry


I dunno why there is even a comparison about those 2 heroes, they are way too different and are supposed to accomplish different goals


suffice to say that due to autoattack(no skill and no cc) of tryndamere every thornmail carrier can kill trynda from his own damage or jax can easily counter him due to high dodge.poppy doesnt have any kind of fear so she is nice for battle




1) poppy can jungle, not the most effective jungler but it can be done

2) no one has more burst damage than poppy, maybe leblanc

3) if someone can initiate a fight, it's poppy and not trynda

4) trynda can go through walls etc, but poppy can run much faster with W (and you usually take speed boots and/or trinity, so even more speed)

5) enemy carry just gets instagibbed by poppy, who cares about -100 AD if there is no carry


I dunno why there is even a comparison about those 2 heroes, they are way too different and are supposed to accomplish different goals


+1 to all your points.


Do you believe that? poppy has more damage than tryndamere? are u serious guys?

How can be a critical machine has less damage than a normal champ.


I wouldnt jungle with poppy, she is better at lane, but anyway these are opinions.


The initiation is the same for all champs, if you are going to start a fight even with sona you will be called initiator.


Dont compare the ability of flash with the ability of ghost, flash is way more faster lol, also trynda has heal.


-100 ad is almost dead carry lol..




-100 ad is almost dead carry lol..


poppy doesnt rely on ad >_> she deals magic dmg through hammer and a percentage of targets hp....with sheen she can devastate opponents


poppy doesnt rely on ad >_> she deals magic dmg through hammer and a percentage of targets hp....with sheen she can devastate opponents

what? lol. read the conve before you post random shits lol.

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