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Some low rate servers have an item that raises your stats for some time and makes you leveling up easier.I found it very interesting and I tried to make something like that.


First of all you must make the item's skill:


Go to data/stats/skills,open 2000-2099 remove the code for Red Potion (skill 2001) and add this:

	<skill id="2001" levels="1" name="Super Powers">
 <set name="power" val="1.0"/>
 <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
 <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
 <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
 <set name="buffDuration" val="15000"/>
 <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
 <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>
 <set name="isPotion" val="true"/>
   <effect name="Buff" time="3600" count="1" val="0">
     <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="1.50"/>
     <mul val='1.20' order='0x20' stat='pAtk'/>
     <mul val='1.20' order='0x20' stat='mAtk'/>
     <mul val='1.00' order='0x20' stat='mAtkSpd'/>
     <mul val='1.00' order='0x20' stat='pAtkSpd'/>
     <add val='300' order='0x10' stat='maxMp'/>
     <add val='300' order='0x10' stat='maxHp'/>
     <add val='65' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
     <add val='65' order='0x10' stat='mDef'/>
     <add order="0x40" stat="runSpd" val="33"/>
     <mul order="0x30" stat="regHp" val="1.50"/>
     <mul order="0x30" stat="regMp" val="1.50"/>
     <add order="0x40" stat="rEvas" val="5"/>
     <mul order="0x10" stat="rCrit" val="2"/>
     <mul order="0x30" stat="cAtk" val="2"/>
     <mul order="0x30" stat="mReuse" val="0.7"/>
     <mul order="0x30" stat="atkReuse" val="0.7"/>
     <mul order="0x30" stat="mCritRate" val="5"/>


If you want to change the duration of the item,you can do it from <effect name="Buff" time="3600" count="1" val="0">.


Thats not something special.Every one can make it.

The problem is that we dont want this item to can be used in pvps.


Go to l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character.java


Find this:

// Flag the attacker if it's a L2PcInstance outside a PvP area
L2PcInstance player = getActingPlayer();

if (player != null)

if (player != null)


and make it like this:

// Flag the attacker if it's a L2PcInstance outside a PvP area
L2PcInstance player = getActingPlayer();

if (player != null)
if (player != null)

This code removes item's effect when the character hits another character.


Easy,isn't it? :P


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i have idea

add somnethink like [in code] "You cannot use it on olypiad matches!" and it will be only for farming, pvp ;)

in olympiad.properties in AltOlyRestrictedItems, add at the end 2001, so players wont be able to use it at olympiad

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