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[Guide]League of Legends jungle.


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Hello guys today i will show you some tips - infos how to play LoL in jungle.


This guide include :

  • Questions - Answers
  • Pictures
  • Advantages-Disadvantages
  • My opinion


What jungle is?

Jungle is a unique way to play LoL games.For instance , when you start the game and reach 6 level you won't get many coins as a jungler take.You can take buff from monsters and be more stronger.if you are high level and you can't get money because of stealing you can jungle for 5-10 minutes and feed up so it's useful.


Which spells are "the best" spells for a jungle champion?

I use smite and flash or heal , it's because smite can help you when you're level 1 and you are trying to kill a monster which is 6 level ++


Items for jungle?

In jungle you will need only armor or mana item (sometimes because you draining - example : Fiddlesticks.) so if you start with a fighter like warwick i suggest you to use Armor as first item and take HP - MP potions.Never forget that you must have Potions within you otherwise you will die or you will be without MP


Can you suggest tell me the places of monsters?


This map is Summoner's Rift.

Light Green for the lowest monsters which you can kill more easily than the others.

Purple for lizard buff. Blessings of the Lizard Elder which gives additional attack damage which increases as you level up, and a slowing effect to your basic attack.

Sky Blue for Ancient Golem monster which you can't kill it without potions - smite.Crest of the Ancient Golem which gives you 1.5% Mana regeneration and reduces ability cool-downs by up to 25%.

Green for monsters which are low levels and you can kill them while you're deffending - pushing . Useful when lifesteal is enabled

Yellow for Baron Nashor which  gives a powerful buff that adds attack damage, Ability power, and health and Mana regeneration.Buff name is Exalted by Baron Nashor Don't forget that you should be 15 to 18 level to kill it and have a tank - fed guy to help you for it.

Red for Dragon which gives you coins to start - be sure that you kill him earlier than them


This map is Twisted Treeline

Red is for Ebonmaw, The Terror of Zaun.It gives you grants global experience and gold to the team that kills it, as well as a teamwide buff Crest of Crushing Wrath which increases attack damage by 1% per champion level.

Orange is for Rabid Wolf and Ghast . The easiest of them is Rabid Wolf because it doesn't gives you couple of damage and it gives you the buff of Crest of Nature's Fury which increases attack speed by 20% and reduces cool-downs by 10%.

Ghast is a bit harder of Rabid wolf because it hits you with magic attack.It gives you the buff of Crest of Flowing Water which increases movement speed by 45%

Green is for monsters which you can kill them 4-5 level i suggest you to go and kill the yellows one first

Yellow for monsters which are like orange monsters but with lower status.You can kill them at 1 level - it's useful for junglers.



Let's continue with some tips more.


Advantages And Disadvantages


Jungle is not the best or the worst in league of legends.it depends on how you'll play on jungle.



If you are slow in jungling the other enemy who's jungling and it more level than you he will search over the jungle for you and feed up.

When you are 1 level make sure that you got one skill which supports you but attack the monster too.If you start for example with a buff which offers you some mana it's useless and i suggest you to level up with creeps and then jungle.

As you know in jungle level up is lower than the others who killing creeps so care if someone missing be sure that you are deffensed aswell and be ready for fight with teammates.If you are alone go back otherwise you will die.

If you change lanes and you are visible to others they will put wards and gang you so care and do not change lanes when enemies - creeps are there too and go from back.


Advantages :

If you jungle you get more coins than the other users.That's because no one is there to steal you and you kill monster creeps.

If you did xp more faster than the other enemies play by changing lanes and kill them with your ulti(ex.warwick) so you will be fed more and more and more faster ;D.

If you are near a lane which your teammate fighting with enemy and at the end the enemy or both dies go in lane and attack turrets - creeps as possible he is dead.

When you reach 7 level take one teammate and go kill dragon for give money to the whole team.

Smite will help you at boss (level 15 to 18).


Hey how can i know if someone is jungling?

If you see that enemies are 4 in lanes - visible and one missing be sure that he is jungling.

If they say in chat that one player is afk make sure of it and search over the jungle.

If an enemy start with spell smite it's obvious that he will go for jungle.


There's a jungler but i can't kill him what should i do?

Well , this happens sometimes because all junglers try to avoid you.So if that happens i suggest you to take wards and place them in enemies jungle spots and wait until he go there - take with you 1 teammate who will have exchaust - flash or atleast exchaust. (flash is for escape).


Hey my team lose while i'm jungling what should i do?

You should be patience and make a game by jungling and deffence.If your team is fooling and feed them just be sure that you will lose the game , if they just believe on you tell them to stay deffence and while you jungling you will appearing in lanes and kill them


The best jungler?

This will be your choose.I suggest you warwick because his lifesteal is increased and his skill are useful to save him in jungle.

The other one is Fiddlesticks because he drains hp and he can appear 'everywhere' with his ultimate and take 2-3 kills together also he has drain and fear.

The most useful character is Nocturne because he can play jungle and mid too he is kinda overpowered and useful for jungle - not drain but support skill which increase your attack.


Can i use some other useful spells in jungle?

Yes you can but you should always have smite within you , also you can use Clairvoyance , this will really help you when sometimes they gank you while jungle (exchaust you).Smite is useful for stealing buffs or help you when you can't kill a mob.Clairvoyance is useful for escaping for enemies while they gank you or exchaust you when you have low hp


Which enemies should i care the most?

Well , you should care about champions who have abillities which are invisible and make you damage or make you visible in map.You should avoid of them and buy wards and put them in the whole jungle in order to do easily your jungle.Some champions with this abillities are : Nidalee,Shaco,Teemo or even someone who put wards in jungle for kill you or watch your moves.



Gimme some tips?

  • Never diying when you have buffs - enemies take them and after you won't jungle easily.
  • Care more about Stealth Champions they can kill you anytime they want - gank you
  • Some champions use ulti which make you visible in map and some can teleport while do that too (like twisted fate) so if your enemy is tf be ready for escape/fight - the same exist about ashe hawkshot
  • If enemies finding you buy Vision Wards and put them in the place which they find you
  • Never forget to take 2 guys within you to protect you while taking mana buff
  • You should take dragon as earlier it must be! otherwise you will lose dragon buff - ultra xp - golds



Here my guide ends


I created it because i saw many useless guides , this will sure helps you.




This one is useful for lol beginners or lol medium players.


Enjoy it!

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Terrible guide imo. So many points I disagree with...


Most of my games are in the jungler role and I'm my premade's "official jungler". Usually playing Shen, Amumu, Rammus and WW.


I've even jungled with Ashe 2 times, but it was for fun.

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i know many things missing from this guide,


well i don't playing so much jungle whatever i'll update the guide when i'll find out more about jungle


It's not the thing that are missing, it's the things you've written.


Just to point one thing out, the jungler is not the one who makes the most gold from farming. Solo lanes make much more gold, and that's why your carries go there. Of course that means that they know how to last hit and not miss all gold by pointlessly harassing the enemy laner.

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It's not the thing that are missing, it's the things you've written.


Just to point one thing out, the jungler is not the one who makes the most gold from farming. Solo lanes make much more gold, and that's why your carries go there. Of course that means that they know how to last hit and not miss all gold by pointlessly harassing the enemy laner.


Exactly , and the point of Jungler is to leave a lane so the other dud will solo (so moar exp/gold if he last hits good) , plus jungler can kill Dragon (global exp/gold) put some wards to have some map control.


Also you can gank and get 1/2 kills and push the tower.

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It's not the thing that are missing, it's the things you've written.


Just to point one thing out, the jungler is not the one who makes the most gold from farming. Solo lanes make much more gold, and that's why your carries go there. Of course that means that they know how to last hit and not miss all gold by pointlessly harassing the enemy laner.

sometimes yes sometimes no


i'm not sure about that because everyone who use a solo lane playing deffence or if enemies are dumps then you're right.Also they send tank champions to solo lanes to handle turrets.

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Exactly , and the point of Jungler is to leave a lane so the other dud will solo (so moar exp/gold if he last hits good) , plus jungler can kill Dragon (global exp/gold) put some wards to have some map control.


Also you can gank and get 1/2 kills and push the tower.


Things a jungler should know about are...


- Protect his buffs

- Counter jungle

- Gank

- Control Dragon

- Always use smite even if he can jungle without it. Cause the enemy will steal your buffs just because he uses Smite and you don't. Also, <3 Baron steals.

- Ward. That doesn't mean that he's the only one who should be warding...



Also, there's a spell called Clairvoyance, that can either be your jungler's worst nightmare or his best friend.


Worst menaces to junglers:


- Early jungle ganks from the enemy, when your team is just too stupid to guard you at your first neutral or you lose an early jungle fight.

- Stealth champs

- Blitzcrank/TF...

- Clairvoyance/Hawkshot

- Traps like Nidalee's, Shaco's, Teemo's...

- Enemy wards you don't know about.

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Things a jungler should know about are...


- Protect his buffs

- Counter jungle

- Gank

- Control Dragon

- Always use smite even if he can jungle without it. Cause the enemy will steal your buffs just because he uses Smite and you don't. Also, <3 Baron steals.

- Ward. That doesn't mean that he's the only one who should be warding...



Also, there's a spell called Clairvoyance, that can either be your jungler's worst nightmare or his best friend.


Worst menaces to junglers:


- Early jungle ganks from the enemy, when your team is just too stupid to guard you at your first neutral or you lose an early jungle fight.

- Stealth champs

- Blitzcrank/TF...

- Clairvoyance/Hawkshot

- Traps like Nidalee's, Shaco's, Teemo's...

- Enemy wards you don't know about.

i just forgot about gank tip and protect you while taking enemy buff. as i said u many things misisng
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In the best junglers list you ve forgot to put the KING OF JUNGLING UDYR!!! also amumu with despair and yi can farm a lot faster than even ww


imo you care a lot in protecting the jungler from specific enemies(jungle gangs,wards,tf gangs etc)! i dont think that someone will be jungling that much so he ll be ganged .at 8 lvl jungling is finished and i suppose none will leave his lane to gang in the jungle plus the jungle must always be aware of missing lane enemies.

only one jungle gang is approved(the 1st blue buff gang)

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[05/10 17:25:22] LoginServerThread: Connecting to login on [05/10 17:25:22] LoginServerThread: LoginServer not available, trying to reconnect...   And This is my login config file:   # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Login Server Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server. # This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router. # Dumbed Down Definitions... # LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you. # WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet). # x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Networking # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bind ip of the LoginServer, use to bind on all available IPs # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: LoginserverHostname = # Default: 2106 LoginserverPort = 2106 # The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: LoginHostname = # The port on which login will listen for GameServers # Default: 9014 LoginPort = 9014 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the JDBC driver class for your database. # Default: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver Driver = org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver # Database URL # Default: jdbc:mariadb://localhost/l2jmobiusinterlude?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&connectTimeout=10000&interactiveClient=true&sessionVariables=wait_timeout=600,interactive_timeout=600&autoReconnect=true URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/l2jmobiusinterlude?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&connectTimeout=10000&interactiveClient=true&sessionVariables=wait_timeout=600,interactive_timeout=600&autoReconnect=true # Database user info. Default is "root" but it's not recommended. Login = root # Database user password, leave empty for no password. Password = root # Maximum number of database connections to maintain in the pool. # Default: 5 MaximumDatabaseConnections = 5 # Determine whether database connections should be tested for availability. # Default: False TestDatabaseConnections = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Automatic Database Backup Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate database backups when server restarts or shuts down.  BackupDatabase = False # Path to MySQL bin folder. Only necessary on Windows. MySqlBinLocation = C:/xampp/mysql/bin/ # Path where MySQL backups are stored. BackupPath = ../backup/ # Maximum number of days that backups will be kept. # Old files in backup folder will be deleted. # Set to 0 to disable. BackupDays = 30 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Thread Configuration # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Defines the number of threads in the scheduled thread pool. # If set to -1, this will be determined by available processors divided by 2. ScheduledThreadPoolSize = 2 # Defines the number of threads in the instant thread pool. # If set to -1, this will be determined by available processors divided by 2. InstantThreadPoolSize = 2 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Security # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned. # Default: 5 LoginTryBeforeBan = 5 # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. # Default: 900 (15 minutes) LoginBlockAfterBan = 900 # If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots # Default: True AcceptNewGameServer = True # Flood Protection. All values are in milliseconds. # Default: True EnableFloodProtection = True # Default: 15 FastConnectionLimit = 15 # Default: 700 NormalConnectionTime = 700 # Default: 350 FastConnectionTime = 350 # Default: 50 MaxConnectionPerIP = 50 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc Login Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If False, the license (after the login) will not be shown. # Default: True ShowLicence = True # Default: True AutoCreateAccounts = True # Datapack root directory. # Defaults to current directory from which the server is started. DatapackRoot = . # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scheduled Login Restart # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable disable scheduled login restart. # Default: False LoginRestartSchedule = False # Time in hours. # Default: 24 LoginRestartTime = 24    
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