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and why u advertise from now ???

Why not?


We just announce to the players out there from now, that a server named L2Blum with these features, will be opened at 5/5/11,simple. :)

how long you will alive without donaits ?? have sponsor?

This is not a problem.

Donations will exist in the future but of course it will be fair.

For now we don't need to worry/discuss about donations.


guys atk speed for archers 1.800 mage 3k paladins titans 1700 bishops 3200 full balance dont be idiots .. S:

How do you know that the gameplay is unbalance since the server isn't EVEN OPENED? >.<

Leave your spam out.


I wrote it,Grand Opening : 5-5-11 : 18:00 GMT+2 :) .

Glad to have you at grand opening.

pfff.. long time....i wanna play now.. somnthing... damn.. i will w8 ..

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