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L2 Updater V1.3

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Hello zodirak thank you for the updater it's really nice but there is one problem

every time i put the FTP link it tells me Updated Failed, but with _Untiteled updater the FTP works fine maybe because of the _Settiings.ini ? or maybe something wrong with your builder

if i'm the only one having this please tell me, Thank you again.


You meen on the Updates Url editbox you place an ftp address? The launcher works with http protocol.

Also as i know _Untitled's updater works with http protocol only.

Like as i said above on Updates Url editbox place: http://www.yoursite.com//updatesFolder                *updatesFolder the folder that you have uploaded the packed files.

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You meen on the Updates Url editbox you place an ftp address? The launcher works with http protocol.

Also as i know _Untitled's updater works with http protocol only.

Like as i said above on Updates Url editbox place: http://www.yoursite.com//updatesFolder                *updatesFolder the folder that you have uploaded the packed files.

Yes you can use FTP with _Untitled  Updater you just need to modify _Settings please if you can make you updater support FTP i need it so badly.

Can you send me your email thank you :)

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Yes you can use FTP with _Untitled  Updater you just need to modify _Settings please if you can make you updater support FTP i need it so badly.

Can you send me your email thank you :)


I have sended you my email. Can you give me a link from _Untitled's Updater that you use?

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mmh my launcher doens't reach my ftpserver yesterday... it continued to say update failed... somebody knows aonline  free remote host service or i only can use the one i've installed



Try to use my launcher now that supports ftp. Btw i suggest to use http:// . Ftp get blocked from the most antiviruses and the people that using your launcher will have problems on download.

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What is the difference between normal files & critical files ?


Let me explain how the Updater work's. When the Updater start's for the first time it create's a shortcut on the desktop and create's a registry key (Installed = 1) to flag the updater as installed. Download's the files. Then also create's another one reg key called (Rev) that holds the revision number that updater have installed. That's for the first run. From now on when the updater start and there is no newer revision to download it check's only the critical files if have been modified and download's the modified files. If you press Full Check Btn it checks All the Files(Normal and Critical files). And if you repack a new revision, the updater checks the new revision that is greater than the one that is installed then checking and download all the files.

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