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Learning Java for lineage2.



So i've been learning the basics of java from a good website http://www.thenewboston.com/?cat=36&pOpen=tutorial . I was wondering if anyone had or knew of some good guides of the basic commands for lineage2 used in java. What I'm having problems with is not knowing what to use for lineage2 if anyone understands what I'm getting at, when I try to make something to test out or whatever I just don't know what code of lineage2 I should be using etc.

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u should search the core files to understand how things work in my opinion search all the pcinstance thingy and all the imports it calls to get a basic idea then start litle by litle to chose ur path let say what u wont to be specialized at ? in AI's ?

instances ? events ? or whatever search the core files of whatever u wana do but u must know good java to do that cuz some things in core are nuff  hard to understand cuz some also use some complex logic  and btw u could also  search the datapack for lots of examples but if u wana make some thing made from brett16 u must learn the logic that l2j uses and that is not the easyest but if u manage to doit then ur on a good path :).




P.S sorry for my english am not da best

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There is no guides, and things outdate easily with both time and pack differences.


There is no specialization to have, java is java, you can touch to all if you understand what you do.


Any project is only a suit of methods, than you update, remove or add according to your convenience. The only thing you have to know is what method does what, and uses it in good time. If the method doesn't exists or doesn't do what you want, create a new one or edit it.


Many things are already created, just re-use codes.


And the whole project is a "howto" tutorial. It's just a matter to "how to search exemples"...


Imagine you want to effects all logged players with a random effect (skill or whatever). Just think "what current exemple I have which already do that"... Announcements, for exemple, do that. So go on announcements, analyze it, and you got 1/2 solution.


Now you can think "how to add a skill to someone"... Cursed weapons do it, salvation bow too if it has been corrected on your pack. Just search for those, or think more exemples.


You can dev on L2J without even have a knowledge on java. It's only a question of imagination and logic.




Tryskell off :P.

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Np, the best practices at first times is surely to copy paste codes you find all over MxC, analyze them (aka, know why you copy that here, and what does it do), and do experiences all over with it (change messages, add things and such).


Once you understand the principe, try to merge different part of codes to make a single, unificate mod. In the same way, you can begin to ask you "how could I ameliorate it to use less codes/use existing stuff), if it is possible ofc.


You will have an overview of main parts of codes && you will work your logic like that. To get others parts, you have to train, and train, and train :). Be original in the mods you take, try to know where is located things like clans, cursed weapons, etc etc.


Touch to all. You can't know all in one time.


As I said, each pack got his unique "code". To give an exemple, my own IL pack can't use L2J "checkouted" IL skills, as it can't use Freya skills. There are homemade skills, made only for my pack, which won't work "like that" on another pack. I decided to keep some parts of IL and leave some parts of Freya to do a unique combination.


Would be pointless to make a wiki about changes. And imagine now if someone base his pack on my own pack, and decide to change something on skills... Documentation will be obsolete after a couple of days.


Hope you get the point :). Really often, people deving know the stuff, and don't need javadoc anymore. So when old devs stop, young devs lack of infos. Nothing can be done to correct that, as imrpoving the documentation cut in your developement time. Plus, the pack based problem I related sooner.


L2J got the good thing to be pretty logical in both structure&& variables naming. You can often find your paradise simply using the Eclipse's Search tool. You search for freightman stuff, just type "freight", you will find like 200 occurences at maximum. On 1300 files, it finishes to give you only 50 files, so it's pretty accurate if you think of good keywords.

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Well, goods tips.


I'm a newbie and I really like learning Java to increment my server and help anothers develops. I've reading some tutorials ands tips, but I'm not sure yet to work with Java.


My bigger question is, for example if I want to add a quest on my server, how to do that? I'll have to create the htmls (I know), but where to add this game?


I'm sorry if this is not the right topic for that question, but as the topic is about learning Java I thought was more appropriate to post here. Because what I really want is to learn Java. And this is the best forum to get help, especially when dealing with Lineage 2.


I thank the attention and I apologize again for any error, it was not intentional.


PS: Sorry for English, I was too lazy to think and I threw in the Google translator ... (^ ^)

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Well, goods tips.


I'm a newbie and I really like learning Java to increment my server and help anothers develops. I've reading some tutorials ands tips, but I'm not sure yet to work with Java.


My bigger question is, for example if I want to add a quest on my server, how to do that? I'll have to create the htmls (I know), but where to add this game?


I'm sorry if this is not the right topic for that question, but as the topic is about learning Java I thought was more appropriate to post here. Because what I really want is to learn Java. And this is the best forum to get help, especially when dealing with Lineage 2.


I thank the attention and I apologize again for any error, it was not intentional.


PS: Sorry for English, I was too lazy to think and I threw in the Google translator ... (^ ^)


Open a new topic, it's another question :P. Quests are datapack side, but the difference comes with chronicle (there are 2 quests engine, IL and postIL).

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