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(WTS)(L2GOLD) lot of items


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hi i sell everything you want , every items/weapons +0 to +18 for real money add me on msn : novacaine@live.fr .



100% apella light set+8

100% apella light set+6

55% apella light set+0

100% apella heavy set+8

100% apella heavy set+6

55% apella heavy set+0

100% apella robe set+8

100% apella robe set+6

55% apella robe set+0


ALL Boss jewl


ALL Shield


+18 Halisha

+16 sword of vampire

+16 Cudgel

+16 Crokian blade

+16 dual Crokian

+16 dusk staff

+16 LF

+16 Dk


etc... ALL weapon i have other +18


All jewels are +6 or more.


for exmple price for apella light set +6 100% = 250 euros

                          apella """"""""""" +8 """"""" = 350 euros

                          l2gold weapon +16 = 90 euros

                          """"""""""""""""""" +17 = 180 euros

                          """"""""""""""""""""+18 = 250 euros

                          Boss jewel = 75 euros




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btw how did u get the stuff? using a sniffer or actually bought/dropped/crafted them? :|

& I totally agree with shaigan ! For 250 euro's u can buy a latest gaming console & imagine how many chix omfg ... And I guess even if you donate they will give u the same stuff.




That is 1 year fees for official PLUS l2walker subscription for whole year PLUS u have money left ! I think the admin himself sells equip for lesser money with different names XD

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go look the price of donation then come look my price... this is not a topic of "donation is good or not ?" this a topic of selling , we dont care about what you think...


im here for guyz who want to donate in the server its a better way from me...

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