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serverl2---> I agree with you, man did a really good works.

HeRaCleS. why you say him this words,can you do better???If you can,so show it for us. Before you don't do this don't try to offend another man that you don't know!!!!!!! >_<

k , by the way I have thse cloaks with red textures already it exists on HIGH FIVE , ave just painted it nothing more , but I wont upload videos on youtube I dont like boasting for myself.

Take care


k , by the way I have thse cloaks with red textures already it exists on HIGH FIVE , ave just painted it nothing more , but I wont upload videos on youtube I dont like boasting for myself.

Take care

Ech, You are boring...Who cares if You have the red one, gold one or pink one ? "I have them" - cool, so what ? Most of the ppl dont have it. Who cares about You ? I have made it and fit it for Moirai. Where is Your work, huh ? BTW: if this "is only a painting and nothing more", then show us your work with awesome painting ! You dont even know how to assort and fit colors...

And we already know that You "dont like boasting for yourself", so please, stfu and stop to talk about it once again, k ?


Hey, ppl, lets have a contest ! This is a "custom" work from HeRaCleS !

1. http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/4734/shot00012m.png

2. http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/3449/shot00016f.png

FIND 3 DIFFERANCES between HeRaCleS work and the original Vesper, because I can not find even one :]

HeRaCleS You are awesome modder, indeed... ::) Now, will You be so kind and "just paint" for us Your own cloak ? I want to see how perfect You are before You start to judge anyone else :]


Don't worry criticalerror , I keep my armors for myself too ,but I just show them to my friends and not uploading them on youtube to get fame that's the reason you dont know my work. I will send you a pm to see one of my armors soon though and discuss your thoughts about it by the way you do excellent work here you are the soul and the body of the forums keep it on.




Its none of your busnes of his works he is the boss of them! He make for him self and show peoples on youtube and give much of ideas like he gave me :D

I know i had too probs with him but leater i had  respect for him :D

By the way stop asking for share thos armors omg !

On topic : Morai cloaks Good idea for morai armor ;)


Thx You guys ;)

HeRaCleS. why you say him this words,can you do better???If you can,so show it for us. Before you don't do this don't try to offend another man that you don't know!!!!!!!

Thats the point. +1


After pissing me off let's see.


1.OFFICIAL'S CLOAK shot00009hy.jpg







2.Ave's Cloak









About the awesome modder , as you wish then take an example of my armors ~~>shot00007y.png



Nah avve stay MAD.


And do You see the difference between official cloak and my work ? The model is almost the same, but cloaks looks differente. Or Iam wrong, huh ? :]

And what with Your armor ? The black parts of original Vesper are...more black ? I can not see any differance at all ! What did You changed ? The TEM to get lighter color and thats all, right ? Ech...Yeah, You are pro and my work "is just painted, nothing more" :]


Now, after all, go use Dual Freya with awesome light color ;) Iam sick of You. When I dont share my customs its bad and Iam a jerk. When I bring You something new its "just painted, nothing more". So STFU, GTFO and You will get nothing.


EVERYONE, say "thx" to HeRaCleS  :D



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